Monday, August 28, 2023

Prayer - Bring Them to Christ


Father God, once again we cry out on behalf of our loved ones who have not yet come to Christ in repentance, acceptance and faith in Jesus.  In You, Father, I'll put my trust to bring them to Him before it is forever too late.

Help Thou, my unbelief and impatience with You, that this will ever happen.  We've prayed so long, for decades actually, yet they have not yet come.  The day and hour is at hand though and Your Word has even said Jesus was coming, "soon".

Father, I humbly ask that they too will be marching into Heaven to be with You when we get that trumpet blast Rapture call, hearing Your voice call, "Come up."  To be with You, together, forever, how precious that will be (see 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).  

In Jesus' name we ask.

                                                     ~ERC  August 2023~

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