Monday, August 7, 2023

Good Book - The Gift of Therapy - By Irvin D. Yalom, M.D.

 This is a very helpful book from which even a novice counselor can learn.  Irvin D. Yalom, M.D. gives great comprehensive tips that he came by, mainly through his experience of the many years of counselling.  I highly recommend reading such a book to those who wish to learn greater empathy for themselves and for others who struggle with life.

Yalom covers many interesting facets such as engaging the patient/client/friend, learning greater empathy and to see life through the eyes of the other person; being transparent yourself; a whole great section on dreams and their usefulness, which was of interest to me; and occupational privileges among so many more.  He 'clocks in' about 85 tips.

This book would be very beneficial to any thinking about and/or already are, engaging in being a councellor or pastoral care, or even for a school teacher who interacts with students.  The knowledge and experience offered here could greatly impact your ministrations when taken to heart.  Indeed, I really do feel this book has been a gift.

                                             ~ERC - Reviewer - Aug 2023~

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