Sunday, August 20, 2023

Royal Pro-Chancellor of Heaven

 Last week, I attended my son's university convocation.   The one with the priviledge of handing out the scrolls to the graduants was called the "Pro-Chancellor" and he was donned in a bright red, ornate gown and posed a rather striking figure.

He was being treated like royalty.  He got to sit in a very special chair situated higher than the other uni-related VIP and even had a cushioned stool upon which to rest his feet when he sat on his 'throne'.

Well, turns out he really was of royal lineage!  He is the son of a sultan of one of the states of the country we were in.  No wonder he was being treated so well!

He seemed to be a very personable person, taking it into his stride when a particular graduant wanted to take a selfie with him or when the scroll-receiver wished to create a heart shape with their hands - each providing half of the heart, as they posed for the camera and so on.  He smiled and chuckled along with the audience of parents and relatives for the blessed interlude from what tended towards tedium as one awaited the excitement of their own respective son or daughter's stage crossing to receive their respective degree or diploma scroll.

After 300-400 scroll-givings, this Pro-Chancellor was still smiling with his dimples and making it appear as if the current graduant had been the one and only posing for a portrait with him.  How cool is that!

When reading Revelation chapter 4, my attention was drawn to the throne and its surroundings, which must have been totally and truly awesome.  It's what reminded me of the convocation 'throne' with all the pomp of procession flowing in and out.  However, nothing can compare to God's throne!  It's marvelous and breath-taking when you stop to consider the description John gave.

As I was describing the Pro-Chancellor, and what appeared to be his character and virtues, I was jolted into thinking, 

"HEY!  It's not the throne but the person who sits upon the throne who is most important!"

In Revelation 4:3, 

"the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian".  

Down in verse 8 we find He is, 

"Holy, holy, holy."  

Verse 9 tells us He 

"lives for ever and ever" 

and in verse 11, He is worthy 

"to receive glory, honor and power...."

He is also the One who 

"created all things..."

and through whom they

 "have their being" (v 11).
  We find out in verse 8 He is 

"the Lord God Almighty" - 

He is our King of kings and Lord of lords who always 

"was, who is and who is to come" (see verse 8).

At first we thought the Pro-Chancellor was just someone the university made important but when we searched on Google we found him to be so much more.  As we develop a relationship with God through Jesus our Savior, we will discover He is so much more!

The Revelation verses tell us this and even if a person hasn't read the rest of the Bible, they will find this the best discovery of all times.  Reading the rest of the Bible will open up whole other vistas to explore about our Savior, Lord and Master - our Lord God Almighty.  

I look forward to being with Him in Heaven someday, seeing all His splendor and glory, yes, but to be with Him for all eternity to come, joining in the praise and worship right along with the other living creatures.

It will be a never-ending convocation for each believer in Christ with the Royal Pro-Chancellor of Heaven.  Will you join the throngs?

                                                 ~ERC  August 2023~

Based on Revelation 4 NIV.

Sing, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, along with The Hymns Project, Parkway Worship.

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