Monday, August 7, 2023

Book Review - Lethal Range - By Ryan Steck - Publication Date: 8 August 2023


This mystery cum thriller will surely get your heart pounding and set the chills chasing and trilling each other up and down your spine; at least it did for me.  I hope potential readers have good heart tickers.  Ha, ha!

There's quite a concoction of FBI agents, serious damage biker gang that ought not to be messed with; a GMO crop distortion 'genius'; the latter groups of whom are on the war path against Matthew Redd, the hot head.  Needless to say I found lots of action happening and with such groups employing their nefarious deeds, you can likely already imagine some of the scenarios, or think you might.  Just when you think nothing worse could happen...

It wasn't really my sweet cup of tea but I can see how many guys would love all the action that could likely give them a good run for their money.  The author really socked it to the characters - hmm, maybe that should read, the characters really socked it to the author.  In my opinion, either way, there were no holds barred.

Added sweetness were the injections of Bible-based faith talk.  Although there weren't many, which I found disappointing, they were there, just in under the wire.  

4 stars from me.

                                         ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                           March 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion bassed on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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