Thursday, August 31, 2023

Book Review - Crossroads of Granite - By Michael Reit - Publication Date: 1 September 2023


This is another stellar 5-Star book by Michael Reit!  Based on many true-to-life events, this work of historical fiction had me holding my breath in horror and suspense.  It's hard to believe there was so much evil happening in 'hidden' places during WWII but I do believe it.  Yes, I knew of the infamous concentration camps but not this one, Mauthausen, in Austria.  I feel like some of that granite has hit me on the head as the story unfolds its tragic tale.

This third book of the Orphans of War trilogy will keep the reader up at night, not doubt, wondering what will happen next to Christiaan, Nora and Lisa.  Would they survive?  Reit doesn't let many secrets out of the bag and 'tortures' the reader to the very end.

                                                  ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                           August 2023

Disclaimer:   This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publishers.

Read review on Goodreads.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Prayer - Keeping to the Truth


Father God
, I praise You for giving us Your Word through the prophets and kings of the Old Testament and of  Your disciples-cum-apostles of the New Testament.  We have Your word and Your Word is Truth.

You love the truth.  So do I.

Jesus is the Truth.

Thank you for Jesus.

Thank you for the salvation You provided for mankind.

Thank you for Your Word.

Thank you for your Holy Spirit,

who helps keep us from sinning when we listen to Your truth.

May we love Your truth and Word, value it so much that we, Your children, will contend and defend your truth at all times, especially when false teachers creep in distorting the truth (Jude 1:3-4).

Help us to keep them from creeping in, in the first place.  May we take delight in reading, meditating upon and being so familiar with Your Words of Truth, that we will be able, with Holy Spirit help to be good detectives, detecting the lies.

I ask in Jesus' name, amen.

                                              ~ERC  July 2023~

Based on Jude 1:3-4 and from prayer book 23/7/23.

Sing, Your Word is True, along with Nathan Taylor.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Prayer - Bring Them to Christ


Father God, once again we cry out on behalf of our loved ones who have not yet come to Christ in repentance, acceptance and faith in Jesus.  In You, Father, I'll put my trust to bring them to Him before it is forever too late.

Help Thou, my unbelief and impatience with You, that this will ever happen.  We've prayed so long, for decades actually, yet they have not yet come.  The day and hour is at hand though and Your Word has even said Jesus was coming, "soon".

Father, I humbly ask that they too will be marching into Heaven to be with You when we get that trumpet blast Rapture call, hearing Your voice call, "Come up."  To be with You, together, forever, how precious that will be (see 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).  

In Jesus' name we ask.

                                                     ~ERC  August 2023~

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - They Stayed True


What is the feeling you get when you read Revelation chapter 6?  I feel my joints begin to go weak.  Seal after seal is broken on the scroll that only the Lamb was found worthy to open.  Each time another seal is opened, severe judgement is meted out.  It's not something I like to see or hear about though.

When the seventh seal is reached and opened in Revelation 8, there is ominous silence in heaven for about half an hour.  With each trumpet blast - well, let's not open this up just yet.  Just know worse and worse things happen and I think you all get the picture.  I mention it because, going back to the fifth seal in Revelation 6:9-11, there is something very curious that happens.

There is a pause, a withholding as it were, and a staying of the hand of judgement to be poured out.  John shows us the glimpse of martyrs who had been...

 "slain because of the Word of God and the testimony they had maintained" (v.9).

They wanted to know when they would be avenged.  They were told

 "to wait a little longer" (v. 11).

These men and women had been overcomers to the point of death.  They had found courage to keep their faith in the face of persecution and pain and death.  They had stared it all in the face but were willing to be that testimony for Jesus until the very end.  These are the people whose faith we can definitely follow (see Hebrews 13:7).  They had stayed true to their Sovereign Lord whom they declared

 "holy and true" (v 10). 
 Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, I also feel overawed thinking of their faith and courage.  They had Jesus, so do I.  I pray I can stand up to this test of faith too.

I wonder if they had turned their eyes to the cross of Christ - to Christ, the one who went through  all the suffering to redeem their souls and ours.  His was the supreme example of staying true.  Jesus did this for the "whosoever" of the world, for all time.

Jesus suffered God's wrath for our sakes; for our sins' punishment.  As Jesus followers, we will be spared all the end time vengeance, as well as eternity in Hell.  I feel the relief this knowledge brings yet also realize if I'm called to suffer at the hands of mankind who hate the name of Jesus, that I hope I look to Christ on the cross and remember what He endured as well as recalling those martyrs who went before us - following their faith and courage realizing we too, can have this in Christ.

I'm not sure how you all feel about it should you find yourself in such shoes.  I feel that faintness and weakness in my bones.  Yet, we can also remember that we will be safely under that heavenly altar with our fellow servants.  There is some comfort for those who stay true.  God keeps us safely.

Let us give heartfelt praise and thanksgiving to our Savior Jesus this Lord's Day as we partake of the broken bread and drink from the cup of wine in remembrance of Jesus' death and ressurrection.  Indeed, He is the Lamb of God who is worthy of all praise, honor and glory for all He has done and for staying true for us.

Give thanks with a grateful heart in Jesus' name.

                                           ~ERC  August 2023~

Based on Revelation 6:9-11 NIV.

Sing, Christ Our Hope in Life and Death, along with keith and kristyn Getty.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Victorious Overcomers - Pergamum



Manna is the substance that the Israelites were introduced to towards the beginning of their wanderings in the wilderness.  This was their sustanance - their staple food of life-giving nourishment (Exodus 16:1-36).  Pergamum overcomers would get to eat some of the "hidden manna".  

According to 'todaydevotional' (see link below*1), "hidden manna" could refer to the manna that was kept in the ark of the covenant inside the Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle (see Exodus 16:33-34).  It was ever a reminder of God's generous provision and hospitality.  Also, and I really like this, a reminder of God's presence with them (see Joshua 1:9).  He did promise to go with them.  No one was supposed to touch it, not even to touch the ark of the covenant but here we see the promise to the overcomers of Pergamum that they would get to eat some of it.

God's presence was with them and He would provide for them.  These are encouragements direct from our kind, compassionate Heavenly Father.  With God on their side and with them, they could stand up courageously in the midst of Satan's perverse darkness and of those wicked deeds done in the flesh that their society of day held.

Sound familiar to our current day and age?

All those "pleasures of sin of a season" (see Hebrews 11:25-26) that have potential to tempt and lure even a believer in Jesus Christ, we need to be aware and beware of.  With Holy Spirit's help, listening for His voice of guidance and caution, we will overcome too.

We can follow Moses' example too, who refused to be lured by all the glitter that was not pure gold.  God's gold, not fool's gold we can invest in.  This is what overcomers do.

We can read of how Lot caused himself anguish of heart and soul when in Sodom and Gomorrah and even in cultures throughout the ages since then, civilisations that rose and fell often at God's direction and orchestration.  Human nature is still the same today.  

Believers in Jesus Chrsit, let us be overcomers who prefer that hidden manna, our very own 'Bread of Life' - Jesus.  He is life-sustaining and then, like the Pergamum folks, receive the 'white stone' of innocence and purity.  Let's be kept pure until Jesus comes.

                                                  ~ ERC  August 2023 ~

Based on Revelation 2 & 3, esp. Rev 2:12-17.

Sing, Will You Be An Overcomer?, along with Hymns and Spiritual Songs.

See also:

Victorious Overcomers - Ephesus

Victorious Overcomers - Smyrna


*1. Today devotional by Julia Prins Vanderveen re Hidden Manna.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Prayer - Overcomer's Prayer

 Father God, may we be overcomers as we live in this dark world of unchecked wickedness.  As the overcomers in the seven churches we read about in Revelation 2 and 3, may we too in our day, be victorious in order to bring you glory and honor to the name of Jesus who holds our stars in His hands.

No doubt it would not have been an easy thing for those early Christians to endure.  They had to endure severe persecution, spiritual lethargy among the 'so-called' saints, slanderings, and loss of first love.

Oh Father, keep us cleaving to your side, abiding in Jesus our Good Shepherd and abiding in Your live.  Help us to be ever faithful to you to have the courage it takes in the time needed.  John knew firsthand how to endure and persevere through and despite horrendous torture, pain and more.

Amazingly, John seemed more concerned that believers would not be able to stand the test of faith more than his own persecution.  What an example to us today!  To be honest, I cringe thinking of it.  It must have warmed John's heart and soul though, to see that there were some overcomers and have the encouragement that he was not alone in his stance and  to see that the rewards and crowns they received.

What's more, Father, you are our amazing God just like You were theirs.  In you we can put our trust, like those believers of old put their trust and hope, I look forward to beitn with Christ forever.

In Jesus' name we come into Your presence and commune.  

Thank-You, Father.

                                                      ~ERC July 2023~

Based on prayer book entry 30/7/23.

Sing, Will You Be An Overcomer?, along with Hymns and Spiritual Songs.

See also:  Victorious Overcomers - Ephesus.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Book Review - Murder in the Bookshop - By Anita Davidson - Publication Date: 22 August 2023


I found this to be a quick, easy, clean and fun to read mystery-murder book.  The reader is certainly kept busy guessing whodunnit; at least, I was, and trying to help Hannah and Aunt Violet bumble along to uncover the perpetrator.  I like that it had pockets of humor and romance tucked into the story.  Great book for a 'relaxing' read.

I give this a 4 Star rating.

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                           August 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Book Review - Take the Long Way Home - By Rochelle Alers - Publication Date: 22 August 2023

 This book is like a sacred offering to those with willing ears and thoughtful minds.  It is an invitation to walk in the shoes of a young black girl named Claudia, tracing her way through life into adulthood.  How she lived and endured in a pro-active, Martin Luther King, Jr sort of way against blatant, hard core racism in the 1960's in the Mississippi region and beyond.

There were so many levels of racism exposed in a range from the outright, up front, in-your-face to the insidious and underhanded; either way, it is horrendous and has been a huge eye-opener for me.  Yes, I know racism is, very unfortuately, alive and well but "living with Claudia" over the past few days of reading has helped me see, to a small degree, what it is like to be on the receiving end of harassement, threats and injury all because of one's skin color.

This book comes in four parts.  Each one from the angle relating to a specific boy or man in Claudia's life.  The big thing I didn't like was the acceptance as a societal norm of pre-marital sex, as something not to fuss, fidget or flinch about.  What I did love was Claudia's loving family and support group.  All in all, it has been quite a walk of extra miles for me that, although I had to take some breaks to ponder on the evils of racism, I believe it will keep a reader riveted to the end of this romance and historical fiction chronicle.

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                        February 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read reveiw on Goodreads

Book Review - Hunt For Eden's Star - By D.J. Williams - Publication Date: 22 August 2023


This exciting narrative will definitely appeal to the teen scene, I believe.  There's lots of action involved, twists, turns, secrets, fright, flight and fight, and so much more.  As this chronicle is Christian faith-based, Elyon features in the lives of some of the characters.  I like that the author has given good simulation of spiritual warfare enabling the abstract to become more concrete in the readers' mind.  Some of the characters doubt the existence and care of Elyon furthering the believable aura eminating from the pages.  Other added lure is the historical aspect with references to the Battle of Hong Kong and associated persons from the past.  That the setting is an Asian one is an extra clincher for me liking this story, with action mostly in and around Hong Kong and some in the Philippines.  The fact that the author spent many of his growing up years in these areas is gratifiying, adding authenticity to his work that he knows what he's talking about.

I hope to meet Jack, Tim, Vince, Emma, Amina and Will, and other Beacon Hill students in subsequent sequel because I'm left wondering when and where they'll show up next and what will happen with Eden's Star.  Curiosity is killing this 'cat'.  

I give this book a 5 Star clap.

                                          ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                          February 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Royal Pro-Chancellor of Heaven

 Last week, I attended my son's university convocation.   The one with the priviledge of handing out the scrolls to the graduants was called the "Pro-Chancellor" and he was donned in a bright red, ornate gown and posed a rather striking figure.

He was being treated like royalty.  He got to sit in a very special chair situated higher than the other uni-related VIP and even had a cushioned stool upon which to rest his feet when he sat on his 'throne'.

Well, turns out he really was of royal lineage!  He is the son of a sultan of one of the states of the country we were in.  No wonder he was being treated so well!

He seemed to be a very personable person, taking it into his stride when a particular graduant wanted to take a selfie with him or when the scroll-receiver wished to create a heart shape with their hands - each providing half of the heart, as they posed for the camera and so on.  He smiled and chuckled along with the audience of parents and relatives for the blessed interlude from what tended towards tedium as one awaited the excitement of their own respective son or daughter's stage crossing to receive their respective degree or diploma scroll.

After 300-400 scroll-givings, this Pro-Chancellor was still smiling with his dimples and making it appear as if the current graduant had been the one and only posing for a portrait with him.  How cool is that!

When reading Revelation chapter 4, my attention was drawn to the throne and its surroundings, which must have been totally and truly awesome.  It's what reminded me of the convocation 'throne' with all the pomp of procession flowing in and out.  However, nothing can compare to God's throne!  It's marvelous and breath-taking when you stop to consider the description John gave.

As I was describing the Pro-Chancellor, and what appeared to be his character and virtues, I was jolted into thinking, 

"HEY!  It's not the throne but the person who sits upon the throne who is most important!"

In Revelation 4:3, 

"the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian".  

Down in verse 8 we find He is, 

"Holy, holy, holy."  

Verse 9 tells us He 

"lives for ever and ever" 

and in verse 11, He is worthy 

"to receive glory, honor and power...."

He is also the One who 

"created all things..."

and through whom they

 "have their being" (v 11).
  We find out in verse 8 He is 

"the Lord God Almighty" - 

He is our King of kings and Lord of lords who always 

"was, who is and who is to come" (see verse 8).

At first we thought the Pro-Chancellor was just someone the university made important but when we searched on Google we found him to be so much more.  As we develop a relationship with God through Jesus our Savior, we will discover He is so much more!

The Revelation verses tell us this and even if a person hasn't read the rest of the Bible, they will find this the best discovery of all times.  Reading the rest of the Bible will open up whole other vistas to explore about our Savior, Lord and Master - our Lord God Almighty.  

I look forward to being with Him in Heaven someday, seeing all His splendor and glory, yes, but to be with Him for all eternity to come, joining in the praise and worship right along with the other living creatures.

It will be a never-ending convocation for each believer in Christ with the Royal Pro-Chancellor of Heaven.  Will you join the throngs?

                                                 ~ERC  August 2023~

Based on Revelation 4 NIV.

Sing, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, along with The Hymns Project, Parkway Worship.

Lord's Day Devotion - Prayer - No More Condemnation


Father God, thank you that you no longer condemn those of us who have put our trust in Jesus.  Instead you say, "NOT GUILTY!" since you have made us righteous in your sight the moment we accepted your gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and His shed blood.  Now, no more condemnation hovers above our head.  The burden has been lifted at Calvary.  Blessed be Thou, Oh Father God.  Blessed be Your Son Jesus for His sacrifice.

All praise, glory and honor belong to You.  Such good news for all mankind.  Your love goes out, encompassing one and all.  We can never ever be separated now from your love.

No more shame, guilt or condemantion.  It is all covered by the blood of Jesus and Your righteousness, come to us through Him.  Savior we praise you.  Thank you for freedom we have in Christ through You who have loved us since before time immemorial.

God of ages past Your love is the same, constant as it was yesterday.  We have it today and know we will have it forever.  There will be no separation not even in ages to come.

Praise the Savior, all of you who know Him!  

So we  partake of the broken bread, and drink from the cup of wine, symbolizing your death and resurrection for us when Jesus conquered sin, death, Satan and hell, taking the punishment for our sins on the cross.  Suffering the sentence that should have been ours.  Your righteousness then became ours.  This Lord's Day we will rejoice that we no longer are condemned, but saved by grace to live for you.

We owe you so much, Father, as we go forth to live for you, serving you from our grateful hearts in obedience to Your Word, will and ways.  So help us God.

We ask and praise you in Jesus' most precious name, amen.

                                                    ~ERC  July 2023~

Based on Romans 8:1-3.

Sing, When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, along with Keith & Kristyin Getty and Burdens are Lifted at Calvary, along with the Gaithers and Ladye Love Smith.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Victorious Overcomers - Smyrna

 Plodding through the book of Revelation, we see the wonderful news that there were overcomers in the seven churches.  There had been much to overcome too.  What an encouragment though to us today who also struggle.  Let's see how the overcomers of Smyrna managed.

The Smyrna brothers and sisters-in-Christ had to stare death in the eyes.  That first death that could very well hurt - a lot.  There was poverty, prison and persecution.  This was doled out in daily abasement and affronts, no doubt.  However, faithfulness and courage helped them overcome fear.  Their blessing in it all they were told was that they would 

"...not be hurt by the second death" (Revelation 2:11 NIV). [emphasis mine]

That second death would be without Christ.  This they would not have to suffer or be hurt by.  Instead, they would be with Christ, forever.

People love the idea of crowns.  The crown of life must be among one of the precious few most bejeweled and these overcomers would receive this victor's crown of life!  

Their courage and determination to persevere through it all must have stemmed from this wonderful promise from Jesus, the One who held their Smyrna star safely in His hand.

We can take courage from their example in our day, especially those of us to suffer in one way or another due to our faith in Jesus Christ.  Let us too, take heart, and be victorious overcomers through Jesus Christ our Lord.

                                                   ~ERC  August 2023~

Based on Revelation 2:8-11 NIV.

Sing, Victor's Crown, along with Darlene Zschech.

See, Victorious Overcomers - Ephesus (Intro to this series).

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Good Book - Strategic Pastoral Counseling - By David G. Benner - Reviewed by ERChin


This is another excellent expose on pastoral counselling, I believe.  I found it to be especially to my liking as it has a definite Christian backing and 'strategy' that includes the spiritual aspect of a person.  What's more, it's the spirtual that includes God, Jesus and reliance on the Holy Spirit's guidance when counseling a parishioner, patient or client.  I think this book should be like a 'bible' or textbook for beginner pastoral counselors.  Certainly, it would be a useful asset.

David G. Benner, the author, helpfully explains differences between pastoral ministries, pastoral care, pastoral counselling and spiritual direction.  He continues to expound why he strongly suggests 5-session counselling session limits of an hour each and for pastors to know their limitations and not be reticient in referrring a parishioner to appropriate professionals with greater experience and knowledge that is beyond him, keeping the good and benefit of the person under his initial care in mind.

Benner touches on advantages of pastoral care and counselling, strategy and stages in phasing in and easing out of the 5 sessions and includes a couple of cases as examples.  He finishes off with some "ethical considerations" of which the wise counselor would take note.

                                        ~Reviewed by ERC  August 2023~

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Trusses of Trust - A Poem of Sorts

Bone of my bone,

  Riblet of my rib,

    From my side

  to be



Stay close.

  Be on my side.

    Let me be your

  engineer -




  as if

    a blueprint.





your angles



Let's not live in

parallel lines

  each going their

    separate way


in intersections


being one in 




Learning what makes

  each other


Speaking gentle,






keeping to the 'specs'.



  not using

a demolition ball



and tear down.

Let us establish


Like connected

   triangles of support

that hold up 


    of communication



The three-strand cord

that cannot be





We three.

Reach and seek for



I will too.


  meet with  


The closer

  you are

    to God,

The closer

  you'll be 

    to me.

The closer

  I am

    to God

the closer

  I'll be

    to thee.

Is that what you want?


Sweet words,

  kind words,

      pleasant words,

GENTLE words

  even of admonishment

    when necessary:

sweet nothings,

  sweet somethings,

nestled and nuzzled

  into your ear,

     my dear.


Another trust truss

    of support


to the establishment



      of marriage.

Is it possible?

  Bridge of ...


  love in action,


in deeds

  as well as


that can be 



  like God,

    who gave,

His Son,


    His love -

for us -

a trust truss...


      my Riblet,

Your Rib

  will not be


I promise to be

as gentle



as possible...

  a trust truss 


    truss of 

      all trusses

in your life.

My God

  and me



Join hands

  with me


and trust



Riblet replied,

  "I do"


      "I'll be...

the equilateral support truss

  for you as you are

    for me.

Thank God




as part





  my Rib."

                       "Build one another up..." (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

Monday, August 7, 2023

Good Book - The Gift of Therapy - By Irvin D. Yalom, M.D.

 This is a very helpful book from which even a novice counselor can learn.  Irvin D. Yalom, M.D. gives great comprehensive tips that he came by, mainly through his experience of the many years of counselling.  I highly recommend reading such a book to those who wish to learn greater empathy for themselves and for others who struggle with life.

Yalom covers many interesting facets such as engaging the patient/client/friend, learning greater empathy and to see life through the eyes of the other person; being transparent yourself; a whole great section on dreams and their usefulness, which was of interest to me; and occupational privileges among so many more.  He 'clocks in' about 85 tips.

This book would be very beneficial to any thinking about and/or already are, engaging in being a councellor or pastoral care, or even for a school teacher who interacts with students.  The knowledge and experience offered here could greatly impact your ministrations when taken to heart.  Indeed, I really do feel this book has been a gift.

                                             ~ERC - Reviewer - Aug 2023~

Book Review - Lethal Range - By Ryan Steck - Publication Date: 8 August 2023


This mystery cum thriller will surely get your heart pounding and set the chills chasing and trilling each other up and down your spine; at least it did for me.  I hope potential readers have good heart tickers.  Ha, ha!

There's quite a concoction of FBI agents, serious damage biker gang that ought not to be messed with; a GMO crop distortion 'genius'; the latter groups of whom are on the war path against Matthew Redd, the hot head.  Needless to say I found lots of action happening and with such groups employing their nefarious deeds, you can likely already imagine some of the scenarios, or think you might.  Just when you think nothing worse could happen...

It wasn't really my sweet cup of tea but I can see how many guys would love all the action that could likely give them a good run for their money.  The author really socked it to the characters - hmm, maybe that should read, the characters really socked it to the author.  In my opinion, either way, there were no holds barred.

Added sweetness were the injections of Bible-based faith talk.  Although there weren't many, which I found disappointing, they were there, just in under the wire.  

4 stars from me.

                                         ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                           March 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion bassed on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Light of Life


The Philistines had seized David in Gath (see Psalm 56).  That must have been terrorizing and even humiliating.  The warrior and escape artist David, got caught.  But David trusted in God despite what mortal man would do to him.  He even invited God to use His anger to bring down these enemies.

By stark contrast, when Jesus was seized by the Jewish religious leaders of His day, He opened not His mouth in His own defense (see Isaiah 53:7).  In fact, on the cross He asked His Father,

 "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34).

This is our God.  This is our Jesus, our Savior.  In love He came our souls to win.  We can be forever grateful and give Him thanks and praise.  Jesus trusted God His Father.  He was merciful to us and His Son completed the work set for Him to do on our behalf to win us salvation.

People may condemn us while Satan, God's enemy, joins in.  But God's Word says,

 "There is now no condematnion to those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1-3).
Despite the agony and humiliation Jesus suffered on our behalf, God delivered Jesus and up from the grave He came, so that you and I, brothers and sister-in-Christ, 

"may walk before God in the light of life" (Psalm 56:13)

even as David did.  Let us trust the one who died for us bringing us salvation.

Think on it this Lord's Day as you pass the bread to one another, partaking of it.  Ponder some more as you pass the cup from one to another.  Drink of the wine with joy in remembrance of all our Savior Jesus has done for you.

Go forth rejoicing, trusting and walking in the "Light of Life" (Psalm 56:13).

                                                 ~ERC  August 2023~

Based on Psalm 56.

Sing, No Condemnation, along with Hosanna Music.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Victorious Overcomers - Ephesus


The book of Revelation has been harrowed up, plowed and combed through with find-toothed combs and  theological machinery at length and ad nauseum; at least in my opinion.  Yet here I am of late, drawn to this book of the Bible on my own; go figure.  Perhaps my ears and heart are beginning to open and be ready to hear through the Holy Spirit's teaching and not through dry, raw material and lecturers for gaining head knowledge only.

What captured my attention when at first reluctantly reading this book were some of the opening statements for chapter 1 and verse 3:  a reader will be blessed for the reading thereof.  Then my imagination sparked at the one,

"who holds the seven stars in his right hand..." (Revelation 2:1).

As I pressed on through Chapters 2 and 3, the words "victorious" and "overcomer" impacted me.  So now, moving cautiously forward, let's take a look at these - even briefly.  Do read through these chapters if you can find the heart for them.  Note especially Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26-28 and Revelation 3:5-6, 12, and 21.  It was quite hopeful that there would be victorious overcomers.

Quieten down your minds and hearts now.  Listen to God's Word and what the Holy Spirit desires to teach you.  Cut out all the daily avalanches of excess zoom meetings, video clips, K-Dramas - all the 'white' noise.  Focus on God's 'rewards' for overcomers.  Review what they overcame.  Think of what attitudes and virtuous characteristics these overcomers developed.

There must have been perseverance, determination, committment to their Savior, steadfastness in their faith; great courage and bravery in contending for their faith and much, much more.  You can fill in the blanks for yourselves.  I'm kinda standing back in amazement at what the people in those seven churches came through.

Some of that was not persecution but a fizzling out, a going to sleep, a lethargic comatose state-of-being believers (see Sardis - to come, as this is a series).  Yes, even then there were overcomers.  Let us not give up hope for wherever we may be at present.  Let us learn from them.

Others endured hardship for the name of Jesus, had poverty and were slandered, did not renounce their faith despite persecution, false teachings and allurements of society; liars; and lukewarmness were all contended against.  The overcomers had been furrowed up but they produced fruit in their lives as the Lord worked in them through these extreme challenges, and attempted blungeoning of their faith, yet they stood the tests and were victorious overcomers.  When you scroll through both Revelation 2 and 3, take note of what rights, and privileges and awards with which Jesus blesses the overcomers.

Let's look at Ephesus, in particular.  Ephesus overcomers have the...

 "right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God" (Revelation 2:7).  

The phrase "the tree of life" caught my attention.  I thought, hm-m-m, where do we 'meet' the tree of life first?  Isn't it in the Garden of Eden?

Adam and Eve had eaten of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis2:17; 3:1-7).  God banished them from this Garden and placed

 "cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life" (Genesis 3:23-24).

Those believers who had repented of their 

"forsaking their first love" 

of the Lord could eat of this tree of life.  When we repent of our sins, forgiveness from Jesus floods us and we too can eat of this tree.  Everlasting life is what many in this world, wish for.  In Christ, we have this right.  In time to come we will be with Christ forever.  Praise His holy name!

                                                      ~ERC July 2023~

Based on Revelation 2 & 3 NIV.

Sing, Revelation 2 & 3, Hold On, along with Joe Vermeulen.

Friday, August 4, 2023

Book Review - The Lost Orphan - By Pam Weaver - Publication Date: 3 August 2023


I enjoyed reading this second book in a series and meeting up again with Mireille, Amelie,  Jim and Norah, among others.  The time frame is during WWII, reflecting the lives of the people in Britian and how even women were motivated to do their part for the war effort, even to the point of endangering their own lives in resistance efforts, nursing and so on.  A sly guy slips in to wreak some havoc -  read and see what becomes of him.

Although this is meant as a historical fiction narrative, I appreciated that the author addresses certain combined emotions and issues as: fear, chaos, pathoes, friendships and family ties, revenge and forgiveness, abuse and more, creating a few 'hold-your-breath' moments.  And, would they ever find that missing orphan?

A satisfying read earning 4 stars from me.

                                                     ~Eunice C.,  May 2023~

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the comlimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

What Jude Had to Say


Jude was the brother of James.  The James who wrote the book of James, which is about faith plus action.  Jude was also the half brother of Jesus.  However, Jude humbly called himself,

"a servant of Jesus Christ" (Jude 1:1).

He doesn't claim the fame of relationship through earthly connections, rather through spiritual ones of servie to God's people.

One of Jude's main concerns was that of defending or contending for the faith (vs3).  What could this mean?

False teachers had crept in among the believers and were subverting the truth.  Jude's injunction was to defend or contend on the side of truth.

The Japanese have a weapon called a 'katana'.  It is a sword with a long, slim blade that's sharper than sharp.  It can easily slice things like heads, off people.  Yes, gruesome.

I'm not saying to go out and purchase one, or a knight's sword or a gun or any other such weapon either.  Our spiritual weapon as believers in Christ is God's Word that is a 

"double-edged sword" (Hebrews 4:12).

When a believer knows God's Word very well, from reading it, memorizing it, meditating upon it and obeying it, that person will know the truth.  When he or she hears altered truth - lies about God and His Word, they will know and realize the false.  Know the truth and it will set you free.

This 'sword' of the Lord can protect you.  Use it to defend and contend for the faith.  You've heard of the 'armor of God', no doubt.  Recall what each one symbolizes.  The belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit and shoes that help spread the gospel of peace overlaid with prayer and standing firm is how a believer can be protected, can defend and contend.  Be sure to engage in the spiritual warfare battles with such armor.

Defensive as well as offensive actions combine to have stand up for the truth impact.  The naysayers won't like you but overcomers in God's book, are always commended.  We need to stand up and defend the truth about Jesus.

Use the Bible - God's Word, along with listening for the Holy Spirit's guidance.  The Holy Spirit helps us to use the 'sword' more skillfully but we need to keep it sharp.

Besides reading and memorizing the bible, and praying and obeying it, we can come to church and/or Sunday School, to hear the Word preached and expounded.  We can fellowship with other like-minded brothers and sisters-in-Christ.

The purpose of Jude writing to all the people in all the churches all over the world was to warn Christians not to believe the lies but keep believing the truth.

The false teachers in Jude's time wanted to dilute the truth, to subtly torque it for their benefit.  They said if you were a believer in Jesus Christ then it's ok to still sin because Jesus will forgive you!  

Brother's and sisters-in-Christ, does this sound right to you?  It may sound good to some of us but to deliberately sin after being saved, is just putting God to the test.

Jude's brother James says that besides faith we need action.  A thief must stop his thieving.  A liar must stop his lying.  A promiscuous person must stop with the sexual immorality.  They must live holy lives.  God says, 

"Be holy, as I am holy" (1st Peter 1:16).

If a person does not stop with the deliberate sin it will appear that that person may not really have faith.  God is their Judge but as fellow-believers, there can be indication one way or another regarding a person's faith.

How wonderful when those of the faith live by faith and defend and contend for the faith, with truth and share it with others.

False teachers are selfish and have condemnation over their heads.  They have the label "GUILTY" unless they repent.  So don't change the truth.  The Bible is the truth God wants us to believe, because simply put, the Bible is the Word of God.

Let the Holy Spirit lead and guide us and help us to keep from sinning.  Listen to Him.

To be saved and have our sins washed away with the blood of Jesus Christ when we repent and accept His offer of salvation - meaning a ONE time occurance.  However, it does NOT mean we can sin as we like.

God hates sin and will punish those who deliberately sin - so let's not twist and change the truth of God's Word even one teeny-tiny iota.  Stand up for the truth and you will be defending it and contending for it.

Memorize this verse from God's Word.

"Defend the truth which God gave to His people without changing it" (Jude 1:3).

And that, dear brothers and sisters-in-Christ, is what Jude had to say.

                                                  ~ERC  August 2023~

Based on Kawan Grace Resource P4b, Lesson 11 - Jude 1:1-4.