Thursday, April 21, 2022

Saved, Sealed and Sure

 Many people often feel like they are "not good enough".  They have low self-esteem.  What would God want with them?  Would He really adopt me?  The answers are written there as plain as day in Romans chapter 8 in rhetorical thought, that of course, it's all true - He would!!

If Jesus is raised from the dead - and I fully believe He has been and is alive and interceding for us, that then of course, we are "good enough" to be adopted into His family.  This does not depend on us but on HIM!  Our identity and dignity and acceptance is all there when we believe and accept the risen Jesus as our Savior.  That immediately instant second - in less than a blink of the eye timing - we are adopted into His family because God made us "good enough" through Jesus' work on the cross (Romans 8:14-16).

If you have been adopted into God's family through salvation in the living Savior Jesus, then you now have an inheritance.  What is that inheritance?  Would it not be Heaven?  Yes, and everlasting life in Heaven and more.  It is imperishable (1 Peter 1:4).  It won't be snatched away from us nor will it deteriorate in time.  It's a lasting inheritance in all its brilliance, luster and shine - glory, actually.  It lasts forever (Romans 8:17).

There's another 'if' and it is, if you have an inheritance in  our living Christ, then you have assurance.  We have assurance that we are forever God's children.  The assurance is that this inheritance can never be taken away despite wrong things we may do (although we may become unhappy).  We have the assurance that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide us in our life on earth.  We just need to follow His leading and be sensitive and attuned to this leading.  We can be sure we are saved by the blodod of Jesus Christ; that He was buried but rose again on the third day.  He's alive!  We are saved by Jesus and sealed by the Holy Spirit; saved and sealed until we reach Heaven - our inheritance, the adoption, complete.  We will be with Him and in His presence - forever (Romans 8:28-29).

No more condemnation.  Our relationship with God is sure through our identity we have in Christ.  We are more than good enough because He has made us so.  We can be saved, sealed and surely secure of it.  No more 'if's' about it.

O blessed Savior, Jesus, thank-You!

                                                       ~ERC  March 2022~

Based on Romans 8 (NIV).

Sing, Who Am I...Casting Crowns and In Christ Alone (My Hope is Found), Celtic Worship ft Stephan Macloed.

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