Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Book Review - Ending Human Trafficking - By Shayne Moore; Sandra Morgan and Kimberly McOwen Yim, MA - Publication Date: 5 April 2022

 As I began to read more and more of this book, Ending Human Trafficking, I became more and more overwhelmed and agitated and the "citizen savior" emotions arose.  There were sleepless, mind whirling nights.  Indeed, I had had no idea of the extent of human trafficking that bridges and taints the world with all its evil capacities and comprises.  However, as I read further into the book, I found that there are comprehensive helps for victims, not just in the rescue domain but from where the trafficking sources can be nipped in the bud with pre-emptive, prevention measures.   From this, light began to dawn in my heart that hope for the most vulnerable of victims could be available when ongoing, wisely-determined efforts could be sustained.

Awareness is a giant key to prevention and this book explains how a person can help without causing worse trouble for the victims, which starts by being rid of the dangerous 'citizen savior' desire.   The authors systematically unfold this awareness using a series of  five Ps which are expounded upon of how a collaboration of churches, law enforcement and other anti-trafficking organizations can work together to achieve these Ps.  

The authors want each and every one of us caring people to know the undergirding thought and the basis for making the effort to stop the trafficking, be it for labor or for commerial sex exploitation, is that human beings are 'imago Dei' - made in the image of God.  As such, each individual should be respected and treated with decency and dignity.

This is definitely a faith based, Christian book.  Various Bible verses are quoted and prayer is an important viable factor P which adheres and joins the other Ps in effective community (read the book to discover those  Ps).  Additionally, the book ends with some important Appendices and makes note of some case studies from which lessons have been learned.  

This is very much a "must read" and then "take action"  sort of book.  Church leaders, pastors and even congregants, the world over, should all be encouraged to read and then act upon, in the way best suited to your particular membership and community; being sure to partnership with those who are more experienced in the goal of ending human trafficking.

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                             January 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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