Friday, April 29, 2022

God is Bigger

 Everything seems to have been stolen, broken or lost ... how can this situation ever be favorably changed? It all seems so hopeless and at some point we despondantly say, "I don't think so, none of it can change," and so spiraling ourselves deeper into despair, brokeness and even anger at God.

That is figuring without God in the equation.  Our Redeemer lives and in His good timing and manner, whether here on earth or in Heaven above, we will see God and find hope.  That is my belief, that thread I need to keep hanging tightly on to because, yes, we often do find ourselves sorely tempted into giving it all up.

We'll be able to declare though, as Job of old did, 

"The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away, may the name of the LORD be praised" (Job 1:21).

Job knew misery.  He knew the depths of it.  Possessions all gone.  His children, oh cry, no, heart-rendingly  SOB! - his children, all dead - not just one of them but all in one fell tragedy!  Then his health went down the drain.  Top all that off with those three comforter friends bombarding him with, "You MUST have a secret sin hiding somewhere in those bones of yours, Jobbie, our friend!  Why else would God bring this devastation upon you?!  Huh?  Huh?  THINK ABOUT IT, Job!"

Job yearned for God's answer to his "Why?" but he would NOT curse God.  However, in his rebuttals to his friends he forgot a big important point, which his fourth friend Elihu, eventually pointed out, "God is BIGGER."  Then God Himself swooped in, in His good timing, backing up what Elihu had said.

"I'm BIGGER than you, Job"  Job humbly and somewhat ashamedly acknowledged this and repented.

"God's thoughts are not our thoughts," my friends and readers, His ways are past finding out.  This is where our faith needs to kick in to  say, "Yes, Lord.  I know that even though there's all this awfulness in my life (and/or the world) - You are doing it for my good.  You have my best interests at heart.  I believe You will redeem this situation in Your good time and manner.  So be it, Father.  I'll trust You!"  Courageously brave words of faith.

Taste and see that the Lord is good, NOT bitter.  Let's praise the name of the Lord our God together.  Ask ourselves, "Will I trust my Lord and God and His greatness despite all my terrible troubles and praise my Redeemer instead?"

It's okay to pray for resolution of our situation but see what He wants to teach us through it all. Yearn for God, realize He is bigger, grow our relationship with Him through Jesus and let our faith and trust kick in and praise Him.

So be it.

                                                     ~ERC  March 2022~

Based on Job 19:25-26; 27:5,6 (NIV).

Sing, O Praise the Name, along with Hillsong.

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