Thursday, April 28, 2022



"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus...  
                                              (Romans 8:1 NIV).

Are we convinced of this?

Paul said that in his mind he was a slave to God's law (to do what's right and live a Christ-like life), but that in his sinful nature, he was a slave to the "law of sin" (Romans 7:24).  He felt wretched about it but then...

Well, he burst into Romans 8  with "therefore" and "no condemnation for those who are in Christ".  He goes on to expound on that ending with the absolutely resolute convincing belief that nothing - absolutely nothing - can separate those "in Christ" from the love of God!

This is an absolutely beautiful message!

We followers of Jesus Christ do fail, and at times, big time.  The aftermath is often shame, guilt, feelings of worthlessness and that the Lord could never forgive us for such a terrible sin.  Heaped condemnation after condemnation upon our own heads.  ... BUT ...

"There is now NO condemnation..." [emphasis mine] convinced of this!  God is not a fair-weather Friend!

Oh yes, the Holy Spirit convicts us we've done wrong but 1 John 1:9 gives us what we need to do to heal the breach.  Humbly and sincerely confess our sin, Jesus our mediator,

"is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness"

Move from condemnation to confession to cleansing to the state of convictedly convinced that when 'in Christ', nothing can separate us from the love of God - not even our own selves.  

Afterall, it's God who speaks the word!

Believe it!

                                                 ~ ERC  March 2022 ~

Based on Romans 8.

Sing, No Condemantion, along with Anthony Evans.

and LFH #289, "No Condemnation!" Precious word!

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