Saturday, April 16, 2022

Godly Leader


If followers are supposed to follow the leader, what type of leader is good to follow?  Godly ones, for  starters.  Godly leaders who read the Word of God and obey it.  Then they can teach it and inspire others to do so too, cuz then they've got clout.  This type of leader will  inspire others to do God's will and work in serving Him and the body of Christ.

This brings us to a second point, that not only will the followers be inspired to God's work but to work together in unity with the followers, and to the aid of one another.  We are not entities-in-Christ unto ourselves.  No, the Lord wants us bound together in unity by the Holy Spirit of God and in peace.

For example, if the Sunday School is short-handed in teachers, or song leaders or extra hands-on for handicraft day, other brothers and sisters from other areas of service within the church can supply the shortfall - willingly and in cheerfulness.  This, because they see all efforts and purposes are for the futherance of God's Kingdom and for His glory.

So they all work together under various stresses, even through attacks of the enemy to derail the work of the Lord.  They are one big team who will work and defend simultaneously just like the returned exiles from Babylon did.  We see this in the book of Nehemiah chapters 3 and 4 while they were rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem.  Totally amazing!!

Charity suffers long and is kind and good godly leadership inspires followers to it.  If there are factions within the congregation depending upon the amount of money and possessions one has, then watch out.  See how your leadership quashes this.

In the book of Acts all the  believers sold their possessions and gave to those who  had need.  Now   I'm not instigating everyone to rush out and do the same.  Instead, I believe a godly leader will teach followers to ponder what each one has, ponder who does not have  but needs, and then ponder how best to help share the necessary.

Another aspect would be to  ponder upon, would be one's attitude towards those who have less than themselves; is it a long-suffering kind, and an I'm not superior-to-you bearing?  The book of James has something to say about this thread of thought.  We read about it in James 2:1-12.  Read it.  Remember we are not yet judges.  We need to "love our neighbor as ourselves (vs 8).  Also remember, "mercy triumphs over judgment" (vs 12).  If both followers and leaders have faith in the Lord they will show aboundant charity one to another with tender hearts without prejudice.

Nehemiah was  just such a godly leasder who righted this wrong (Nehemiah 5).  Some of the more well-to-do were  charging  usury and the poorer ones became poorer.  Israelites were not even supposed to be charging interest to their fellow-Israelite.  Others were making  slaves of others in order for debts to be  paid.  Nehemiah sorted all that out.  His righteous anger led him to ponder and  tell them what was the right thing to do.  He started with the leaders.  Leading has to come from leaders, right?  Of course, right!

In all of this, Nehemiah himself showed  the way.  As governor, he had  the right to a sum or allotment of food but he chose to use his own funds because he saw the people were burdened with making ends meet for their families.  He did not want to over tax them.  They all knew it too.  Here again  is Nehemiah the leader's credibility at play so the people listened (Nehemiah 5:15-18).

By the time we reach chapter 8 of Nehemiah we see Nehemiah the godly leader had stirred up the hearts of the people.  With the teaching and reading of the Word by Ezra (Nehemiah's comtemporary), he inspirted, corrected, taught some more, especially by is own example, to being built up and more mature and in establishing worship - not of idols - but of the one true God.

The Temple and the wall completed (in a miraculous 52 days), corrected behavior, now leads to willing, godly worship and we find the people worshiping together, with their faces bowed to the ground  (Nehemiah 8:6) and with great joy, they celebrate (8:12).  All this according to the reading of the Law by Ezra  and his reputable teaching and example, coupled with Nehemiah's.  

Isn't  it a wonder!

Pray, pray, pray for such godly leaders whose faith and good examples we can follow because they are following the teaching of God's Word.  Maybe, you are one such leader.  Go forth in faith knowing that the hand of your God is upon you to do good and godly work for Him.  

Followers, follow well.  Our purpose is to encourage one  another in our most holy faith and work as a team along side our leaders.  God has called and sent to us to walk in His ways and to bring others to saving faith and to the obedience of a truly godly life that worships the One who died for us.  He is our most Supreme and Perfect Leader of all.  Follow in those footsteps and thank Him.  

                                                     ~ERC  March 2022~

Based on Nehemiah 3, 4, 5, 8.

Inspired by Stephen Armstrong's series Restoring God's People - Talk 7 - Nehemiah's Mission; Verse by Verse Ministry.

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