Saturday, April 2, 2022

Speak English, Please.

 Many people believe that anyone who speaks English will have access to a literal world of opportunities.  They can connect with more people online or in person, visit more countries and learn their cultures and even find jobs in those countries.  Additionally, most world universities teach the sciences and math courses in English, which allows for access to greater knowledge in general.  This would allow for deeper, more intelligent conversations with those who speak English, worldwide.

For instance, one study pie chart shows that 55% of the world can speak some decent level of English allowing for easier communication globally.  If one travels for business or leisure, the understanding in making connections in contracts awarded or with tour guides, who will have fewer frustrations making the whole experience and interchanges more pleasant and worthwhile.  If one has a medical emergency, one would also be able to have oneself comprehended more accurately, with greater confidence in correct treatment being administered.

Another aspect to consider is, if you are the foreigner in some other English speaking country, you would be able to express yourself with a more proper and mannerly etiquette and show you are polite and considerate even while learning some of the specific cultural ways of the host nation.  In this way, the visitor would feel more at ease and welcomed without being cursed or accused of being obnoxious or worse.  From this, friendships could sprout, grow and even beautifully bloom and blossom.

Through these international friendships, one could be further introduced to local customs and food off the usual tourist beaten-track grid, enhancing and enriching the whole experience while retaining their own identity.  New worlds of art and literature could be explored and expanded.  What is there to fear in this?

Nevertheless, that is where the contrast of that cuts in.  Some people suggest the rise of English will diminish their own culture.  They feel that the "looser" morals, different religions and culture could sway the 'weak' into other ways of thinking, which are opposed to their long-standing eons of traditions and beliefs entrenched from ancient generations to the present day.  The boat of status quo could be rocked in an onslaught of undersirable foreign elements.

There are some nuggets of truth in that; however, when one considers European countries or even India, one can see  tarnishing is not entirely so.  Granted, one can pick and choose which components of a language and cultural norms it introduces:  good or bad.  In Europe, many of the citizens have their own mother tongue, yet do speak English, even if it is sprinkled liberally with accent.  The same scenario goes for India.  Generally speaking, they have each retained and maintained their respective ways of life.

I do not see the harm in knowing a second language and making that global English.  Cross-cultural adventures await.  Cultural identities are not necessarily destroyed by the addition of such a second language.  A quotation attributed to Nelson Mandela may help a doubter. He once said

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.  If you then talk to him in his own language, that  goes to his heart.

This is literally exemplified in Andre Rieu concerts in Europe.  He often speaks to his captivated multi-cultural audiences in almost as many multiple languages, even if it is only a few lines.  He KNOWS the truth of this phenomenon and the observer will surely note when the respective wave of language hits the respective hearts.

This is NOT an attack or assault upon anyone's culture, beliefs or language!  I can attest to this cuz when he speaks in English, I suddenly become mesmerized with how he draws the individual into his music - another magical means of communication.  However, our focus is of the English speaking opportunist.

When all is said and done, everyone will be able to see that the world of opportunities is indeed at their fingertips when English is one of their spoken languages.  They will have strong advantage when it comes to accessing the internet, libraries, newscasts, diplomatic ties, business - English is the language of $$$, travel and so on.  The global spread of communication in English reaches across all walks of life and international destinations.

Grab your opportunity and speak English, please.

                                                  ~ERC  November 2022~

Based on a school assignment "Why Everyone Should Speak English", an argumentative essay.  So what do you think?

A short video of the history and spread of English.  How Many People Speak English?

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