Monday, April 18, 2022

In the Spirit


Oh, now it makes more sense!  If you'd like to sort out Romans 8 a bit, make a list.  Under one heading write all the "in the flesh" characteristics and descriptions and the other side  of the table use the heading "in the Spirit (in Christ)".  Wow!  See what we have - in Christ.

When you are done, reread.  Then you will be able to praise and thank the Lord all over again.  No condemnation.  Sonship.  Heirs and  co-hears.  Saved.  Righteousness through Christ and His Holy Spirit.  Hope.  Life.  Peace.  Governed by the Spirit when we follow His guiding.  Realm of the Spirit.  Belong to Christ.  Obligation to live by the Spirit.

It works out to an amazing list.  Say each  one aloud.  After each one, thank your Abba Father in Jesus' Name.  Think of what each one means.  For example, NO condemnation.  We are no longer condemned to death in hell for eternity.  We are good enough for God because He has made us so in Christ!  We do not have to serve any life sentence in Hell's torment of everlasting death.  NO!  We have  everlasting life and peace and joy!  Satan cannot use our sin against us in messing with our minds because we now have the mind of Christ through His Spirit - when we listen.  We do not need to live as if we are still in the flesh with the law that makes it weak.  NO!  Our strength comes through the  Spirit in Christ.

Isn't this a marvelous way to live!  It is certainly life!  Let's fix our saved minds on the things of Christ and live by the Spirit who has our backs and works for our good, interceding for all God's people.  Put your heart into it.

Give a huge thanksgiving and praise to the Lord our Redeemer, Savior, Friend, and to our Abba Father.  All glory be to Him in Jesus' Name through the Holy Spirit as we live day to day until we hear  the shout of Jesus' coming on the clouds to complete our full adoption and sonship by the redemption of our bodies.  Until then, wait patiently and according to the Holy Spirit.  Keep in step.

Praise the Lord!

                                                     ~ERC  March 2022~

Based on Romans 8 (NIV).

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