Sunday, April 3, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Beautifully Majestic name


There are so many beautiful names to choose from when parents are looking to name their newborns.  The psalmist David must have realized this too as he had many children of his own.  To the Hebrews, the essence of a person or the spiritually significant, was often found in their names, thus a very, very important aspect of naming a child.

There had been a whole host of interesting reasons for baby-naming which even evolved after the Southern Kingdom's (House of Judah) exile with more Aramaic and Babylonian sounding names, adding in Talmudic period and post Talmudic names through the years, moving on to Arabic ones and soon going beyond Biblical times.  You can read about it from this link Jewish Names - Wikipedia.  Very fascinating!

I have a friend who even made up names for his children, that is, except for the first child.  With the letters that formed his son's name, he rearranged the same letters and managed to create two more names for his daughters.  Yes, he and his wife had three chldren.  Very unique.

However, with all the range of potentially possible great names, David declared in Psalm 8 verse 9 (NIV), that, 

"LORD, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!"

In all the whole wide world, the Name of the LORD is the best.  Not just because of the Name but because of the Person - the Supreme Being - God.  Their Yahweh (YHWH) which they didn't even dare to spell out in full!  So holy and majestic is the name of the LORD.  David starts and finishes this psalm with his declaration!

Jesus is the sweetest name I know, as a song lyrics sings.  He's the best Friend with the best name in all the earth.

Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, do we realize it and all the embodiment of what He has done for us?  Think on it.  Meditate upon it.

The Creator God, Emmanuel - God with us - for the purpose of creating the way back to Yahweh, closing the gap of separation between God and man!  Jesus is our mediator because He endured the shame of the cross for us.  He bore our sins and sorrows.  Blameless man, He took the blame for us and through it all, salvation came to all those who will believe by faith, in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.

OH what a beautiful Name.  May the name of Jesus Christ pass through our lips in thanksgiving as we pass the bread and wine one to another this Lord's Day in remembrance of all He has done for us upon that old rugged cross.

Indeed, our Lord's name is the most beautifully majestic in all the earth!  Praise His holy Name.

                                                 ~ERC  April 2022~

Based on Psalm 8 (NIV).

Sing, What a Beautiful Name, along with Hillsong singers.

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