Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Who Paid?


Who paid the adoption fees?  We were orphans because we sinned and became separated from God.  We were condemned children with a death sentence hanging over our heads. So who paid for reconciliation and the new status of "no condemnation," and who paid for the adoption to become children of God?

Christ Jesus did.  Now we are free from "the law of sin and death" (v2).  God sent His own Son to take that death sentence upon  Himself.  He absolved us from all sin and guilt.  He paid our adoption fees.

I do not know first hand about the process of adoption but I gather that there is a survey of the life and status of the hopeful potential adoptive parents-to-be; many forms to fill and waiting periods of time, and fees to pay.  Their 'pregnancy' time.  The baby or child didn't have to do a thing.

The work of Jesus upon the cross, His burial and resurrection are the basis for our adoption.  We sinners didn't have to do a thing.  Oh, well, the only thing  we had to do is accept salvation by faith through Jesus Christ, and walk into the arms of our Heavenly Abba Father.  Our orphan status became adopted status and now we  can live as  sons and daughter of God and according to the Spirit in all facets of being in the family of God.  We belong.

Praise the Lord, there is no more shame or condemnation.  No more!  

Abba Father Thank-You for Your forgiveness, reconciliation, through redemption in Jesus Christ.  Thank-You there is no more guilt or condemnation or shame.  Thank-You for paying the full price of our salvation and adoption through Christ Jesus.  In Jesus name, Amen.

                                                       ~ERC  March 2022~

Based on Romans 8, especially verses 1-4 (NIV).

Sing, No Condemnation, with Anthony Evans.

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