Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Holy Spirit Assurance


Through Jesus, we who believe, accepting salvation, become adopted into God's family and are called children of God.  In Jesus, we have our co-heir inheritance to be in God's presence forevermore because we got God.  The Holy Spirit came and indwelt us and gives us ongoing assurance that we belong to God, that there's no more condemnation, which can override our doubts and fears that maybe something will separated us from Christ and Abba Father, and His love.  Holy Spirit speaks to us to assure us NOTHING can separate us!  How comforting  that is!  We are held fast in Abba Father's hand and in Jesus our Friend and Brother's hand.

Praise the One who died for you!

Oh Abba Father, thank-You for making us more then conquerors through Jesus and for Your love that never dies, is unfailing and and is our impenetrable link to You, so that nothing, absolutely nothing, can separate us from You love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord, no matter how hard elements may try.

May Your Holy Spirit ever remind us of this and keep us steadfastly at peace as we live our lives for Your glory and honor, especially when doubts assail our minds.  May the knowledge of your love and presence, Abba Father, fill and flood our minds and hearts instead.  We praise You and give You our grateful thanks.

In Jesus name we praise and pray and have our assurance.

                                                   ~ERC  March 2022~

Based on Romans 8.

Sing, In All  Things More Than Conquerors. along with Steven Curtis Chapman.

and Behold our God, along with Sounds Like Reign.

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