Friday, January 1, 2021

Risen Savior Sightings

 From former "episodes" re:   Jesus' death and resurrection, it was  noted that Jesus, our risen Savior, revealed Himself in His resurrected body form.  In this blog entry, "Risen Savior Sightings," we will see more aspects of His resurrected Being.

Due to this resurrected body, the risen Savior was not always recognized at first take, upon meeting Him.  Jesus would either speak the person's name; break bread, or show His hands, feet and side scars of crucifixion before it would dawn on the observer.

In the gospel according to Luke, the first encounter between the risen Savior Jesus and disciples, appears to be with Cleopas and friend on the road to Emmaus.  However, if you read from the other gospels, you will see other incidents.  The actual sighting seems to have been with Mary Magdalene and the women who had gone to the tomb early on resurrection Sunday.

The tomb had already been opened by a violent earthquake as we read in Matthew 28:2.  The angels had appeared and told the women Jesus was risen, He's alive, go and tell His apostles.

Now as recorded in Matthew 28, the women bumped into Jesus on their way to tell their message (read Matthew 28:8-10).

The chronological timing is not exactly clear to me as to Mary M's meeting with Jesus.  Perhaps after she and the other women went to tell the disciples, they then went back to the tomb?  See how John 29:11-18 records it.

Whatever.  Can you see the love and care Mary M and the other women had for Jesus?  Yet they were respectful of Him and filled with gratitude even in their exceeding excitement and delight in seeing Him alive again.

May our hearts be full of warmth, love and gratitude to Jesus our risen Savior too.  

We know that when the Emmaus Two went back to Jerusalem to report to the apostles what had happened to them, that they'd seen Jesus, that as they reported, Jesus suddenly appeared in their midst.

Shocking, more so because the doors to the room had been shut and locked for fear of the Jewish leaders.  How did He get in?

They were TERRIFIED!

However, Jesus said, "Peace be with You" to calm them.  He then showed them His hands, feet and side, and asked them to touch Him.  See, He was NOT a ghost.  He also ate some fish.

A ghost could not do that.

Hearts filled and pumped with joy in each beat, but they were still uncertain of it all, until Jesus opened their minds.  Then they could understand.

Those who had been in that room that day, reported this to Thomas who had been absent at the time.  They had seen the Lord, they said.  Thomas declared he wouldn't believe it unless he'd personally touched the nail prints and spear-pierced side scars of Jesus.

A week later, on the first day of the week, Thomas got his chance.

You can read about this second time Jesus revealed Himself to the company of apostles and disciples in John 20:26-28.

Thomas humbly and contritely said,

"My Lord and my God!"

Because Thomas had seen Jesus, he had believed.

People say that "seeing is believing".  It certainly helps to be able to see for oneself.  However, Jesus had another lesson for them to learn.  Look at what He told them in John 20:29 (NIV);

"Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

FAITH is believing even though we do not see with our physical eyes.  If a person believes this true story of Jesus; here and now, then he or she is among those who have not seen.  We see "by faith" and we are "blessed".  Jesus said so.

Jesus, the risen Savior, appeared to the apostles a third time; again, as can be read in the gospel of John.  Peter said he was going to go fishing and a few of the others joined him.  They fished all night, but they caught no fishes.

Have a look at John 21:4-6. to see for yourself 😄.

Remember, earlier, it was said that it seemed like Jesus' resurrected body may have been changed in different facets?  OR, perhaps Jesus hid His identity purposely in some way for His own reasons.  Anyway, here, these fishermen did not recognize Him even though they'd seen His resurrected form twice before this sighting.

The miracle catch of fish that early morn, made John realize the Man on the shore was Jesus.  He tells the others.  Peter jumps overboard and goes ashore.

Jesus asks for some of the fresh catch of fish even though He already had some frying on the fire.  Looked like He was preparing a barbequed, picnic breakfast.  He even had some bread available.

Wonder of wonders.

The stage is set.

Jesus calls them to come and eat.

Now, recall what happened during Jesus' trial at Pilate's palace?  Peter had denied he even knew Jesus.  How many times did he insist that there was no connection or friendship between him and Jesus?  

Three times.

Keep that number in mind.

Think of how Peter, who really did love Jesus, must have felt right about then.  Shame?  Guilt?  Embarrassment?  Yet he was the first to rush ashore here.

Jesus, ever the gracious One, reinstated Peter.  The grace of God manifested, and to further clinch it, Peter was given a trust.  A task, a mission.  

Read John 21:15-19 (NIV).  

Remember the number 3?

Three times Peter had denied he knew Jesus.

Three times Peter confessed he loved Jesus.

Three times Jesus repeated Peter's mission.

"Feed My lambs" and "Take care of My sheep".

We know that Peter did fulfill this trust.

What about us?

Do we sometimes deny our Lord and Savior Jesus?

Yes, we do.

Yet, seeing the forgiveness and grace Jesus extended to Peter we can be assured that He does and will do the same for us two thousands of years later.

1 John 1:9 asserts,

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

When we confess our faults in all due sincerity and repentance, He forgives and purifies.

Then...we can do our service for Him; whatever it may be.

First Corinthians 15:3-7 gives us a mini-review of Jesus' purpose in coming to earth.  We see too, how many Jesus appeared to during those days since His resurrection and before He ascended back to Heaven.

If you read those verses, you'll discover that besides the "sightings" already mentioned, there was a time where Jesus revealed Himself to about five hundred people, all at the same time.

So many witnesses to Jesus' resurrection!  According to Jewish law, they only needed two or three witnesses.  Our God is abundant in what He does.  There's no mistaking.  That was indeed, the resurrected, living Son of God; Jesus, our Savior.

Acts 1:13 shows us that Jesus had been seen for forty days since His resurrection.  We come now to His last words before ascending back into Heaven.

Read about this "Great Commission" from Matthew 28:16-20 (NIV). What was it?

To go and make disciples of all nations.  Not just for the Jews, but also for the Gentiles.  Jesus had sacrificed and gained salvation for all mankind.

Make disciples...baptize them.  In whose Name?  In the name of the Father, Son and of the Holy Spirit.

What else?

"Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

What was that again?

"Make disciples"..."baptize...and teach to obey all..."

Would they go it alone?  No.  Jesus gave them the promise,

"Surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (vs 20).

Did they follow these commands?

They most certainly did!  They were found continually in the Temple praising the LORD and also meeting in an upper room -- it seems, on the first day of the week (no longer the Sabbath which was the last day of the week).  They waited.

They waited for the Holy Spirit whom Jesus had promised to send.  He came ten days later, after Jesus had ascended back to Heaven.  The Holy Spirit came on Pentecost which was the 50th day since Jesus had risen from the dead.

Pentecost was actually another feast day for the Jewish people.  All the men from all quarters were supposed to go up to Jerusalem for this feast.  It was rather like a Thanksgiving time where they gave thanks together for God's provision and good crops.

Perhaps that's why the group of believers were gathered together.  We are not exactly told that.  Nevertheless, there they were and the Holy Spirit came on them and indwelt them with great power.  He empowered them to go out and preach the gospel to all nations and fulfill the whole of the Great Commission they had been entrusted with by Jesus.

We too, have the Holy Spirit indwelling each of us who belong to Jesus.  We too can carry out this commission.

When we know the message and have understanding and insight, let's have proper response:   belief and willingness to go and tell the message.  May such intentions be set into actual motion.

I hope and pray each of us will take heart and have learned from Jesus and His apostles and disciples who were among the first believers to tell this message of Jesus.

Go out in peace, joy and in the name of Jesus.

                                                 ~ERC  December 2020~

Sing, I Serve a Risen Savior (acapella Christian hymns)

Risen Savior Sightings video

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