Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Prayer - Joyful Noise of Singing

Jesus, we, Your followers, put our hope in Your unfailing love and trust in Your holy Name.  In You we rest.  In You we sing our "joyful noise" of songs of praise and worship to You and all You have done for us through Your death and resurrection.

We sing our songs joyfully even if not always tunefully.  Accept our praise as God, Your heavenly Father has made us righteous because of the redemption work You accomplished on the cross and our faith, also a gift from Him, to believe it. 

Your Word has brought us what is right and true; has brought us justice; has brought us the breathtaking and intriguing designs of Your creation.

May Your people everywhere fear You in reverence and adoration for the mighty divine power and name above all names You have.  Thank You for being on our side, working for us, "foiling plans of the nations and "thwarting the purposes of the peoples".

You allow democracy.  Yet we are in Your Kingdom and heading for the consummation of Your Kingdom to be set up on Earth some day in the near future and we will reign with You.

Before that, we look forward to spending time with You in Heaven where we can fully worship You without distractions and in full purity of heart and lips, offering up continual sacrifices of praise with or without musical instruments accompanying.

Your plans, LORD, stand firm and so we can put our hope and trust in You.  Blessed are all of us who do so; even nations, who choose You as their inheritance.

How many do though, Father?

You look down from Heaven and see; You consider our the ways of the people of the Earth.  Many of the nations trust in themselves and their own strength of brawn and brain.  They do not realize, or want to believe or admit that,  that deliverance comes from You alone.

Jesus, we are blessed when we focus our trust and hope upon You.  We meet Your eyes as You look upon those of us who fear You and put their hope in You.  Your love warms our hearts and souls and helps us to persevere.

We wait for You to call us up to You to be "with Christ" for ever.  Be our help and shield until then.

While we wait for Your trumpet blast, may we continue to be singing joyful, day-by-day, songs of praise, to You; Jesus our Redeemer, Friend, and Savior.

In You we can certainly place our trust.

Sing, Christians; sing and praise, in Jesus' Name.

                                                   ~ERC  November 2020~

Based on Psalm 33:1-22 NIV

Sing, Since I have Been Redeemed...Islington Baptist Church

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