Sunday, January 3, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - Positive COVID-19 Spinoff


There was that meme making its rounds where in one half of the image, Satan is shown to be strutting about shutting down churches:  bing, bang, boom, with great glee.  The other half of the picture was repercussion...Jesus opening a new church in every believer's home, worldwide.  Suddenly and astonishingly, profound work that only God could do--planting tens of thousands of new churches overnight!

That is positive COVID-19 spinoff.

God has done this before but it hadn't taken a plague to compel believers to do so.  When the Holy Spirit came upon those one hundred and twenty followers of Jesus, as we read of in the book of Acts, yes, they still went to the synagogues and Temple to praise and worship Him, but they were also found going house to house and breaking bread together as the number of believers in Christ increased exponentially (Luke 24:52-53; Acts 1:15; Acts 2:1-4; 42-47).

These early believers went house to house with gladness and joy and with "sincere hearts".  As we experience lockdown after lockdown, may we too be similarly filled.  Put aside the fretting, murmurings, and complaining's over not meeting at a church building.  Warmly welcome, the two's and three's in your own home.

"For where two or three come together in My Name, there I am with them"  (said Jesus as recorded by Matthew 18:20 NIV).

Jesus is still among you!  Praise Him for that!

If there is only one of you -- connect virtually.  Yes, agreed, it is lonely and we are feeling pinched and parched for "in person" reality and fellowship.  Nevertheless, we need to step back and "Be still" and know that "God is God" here (Psalm 46:10).

He!  Get to know Him.  Feel grateful He has planted a church in your own home or bedroom.  Who knows what will come of it.

Now, pass that broken bread and that cup of wine to your two or three, this Lord's Day.  Do so in remembrance of what Jesus' death and resurrection wrought for all who believe.  Let Jesus be exalted in Your home-grown, house church.  


The answer is straight forward...

When our Lord Jesus Christ is involved, the outcome can only be POSITIVE.  Embrace it.

                                                 ~ERC  December 2020~

Sing, In All Things More Than Conquerors

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