Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Prayer - Flows Like a River

 In Psalm 36, David, the servant of the LORD, describes the righteous and the unrighteous.

Father, we know that if we are not sure what evil people are like we can just read what David has portrayed for us:  "mouths are deceitful;" "they flatter themselves;" "they don't hate sin;" "they don't even detect it in themselves;" "they're not wise;" and they don't do good.  Even on their beds they're plotting evil; using their imaginations for orchestrating evil deeds for themselves to commit.  In addition, such a person does not reject what is wrong.

However, LORD, You reach down from Heaven, in Your faithfulness and righteousness, which are like a mighty mountain, majestic; and Your justice as broad and deep as the great depths and widths of the oceans.  Out of this greatness, LORD, You preserve both man and beast.  That is very interesting that You include the beasts but I suppose I should not be surprised, after all You created them and would care for them.  How wonderful, righteous and holy You are.

Your unfailing love is priceless.  No one could ever pay enough for it -- even those multi-billionaires of this world.  That's why You had to give it.  Freely, freely You gave.  You gave through Your Son Jesus so now, people worldwide, high and low, as they say, can find refuge under the shadow of Your wings.  We can find that refuge in You, through Jesus Christ.

There is abundance in Your house.  We can eat and drink from Your river of delights. We have seen rivers in our lifetime; some very mighty rivers  - so wide and running powerfully:  Niagara Falls; the Amazon River, to name a couple.  When there's heavy rains, the rivers flow swiftly,  roar and thunder more loudly.  Downstream becomes awash.  Water just keeps coming and coming and coming and coming.  That is what Your goodness and unfailing love is like -- so abundant.

You have given us the fountain of life.  First a river of it, now a fountain, perhaps like "Old Faithful".   Many people are looking for everlasting life, Father; everlasting youth.  However, they will only find this everlasting quality in You and Your Son Jesus Christ.  Father, may scores and scores of people come to this understanding and insight and come to Jesus in droves; accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of their lives; accepting Your gift of love, for them.  This gift was Your way of proving Your love to mankind.

I don't believe we have to ask You to continue Your love to us but David did anyway.  If Your love is unfailing, why the need to ask You to continue?  Could it be he wanted to tell You he loved Your love and appreciated it?  Therefore, he and we too, don't want it to stop.  We want You to know.  We know You know, but now we know that You know that we know You know.

Like  that river David mentioned, its continually flowing, blessing and refreshing.  Don't let it dry up -- Let Your love, grace and mercy, Your patience, kindness and goodness to us, never fail.  Thank-You for the promise that it won't, as is said in Zephaniah 3:5,

"HE faileth not..." (KJV).

Thank-You Father.

May those who come against us, those who are so proud, they think they are great.  In actual fact, they are wicked and come against Your righteous ones; those who are called by the Name of Jesus.  Nevertheless, in the end, we know they will be fallen and thrown down.  They will not be able to rise up.  They will perish and be sent to where the devil and his minions will be sent.

We do pray for these souls who are so wicked, here and now on earth.  Once they die, it will be forever too late for them.  May they, here and now, turn from their ungodly ways, their ungodly acts and realize, Your goodness.  May Your Holy Spirit convict them of their sin and Your goodness, their need of You so that they too will have forgiveness of sins and everlasting life even though we might say they don't deserve it.

Lord, actually, none of us deserve Your love and forgiveness, nor Your kindness and goodness; yet, You give it of Your own volition because You are LOVE.  

I thank and praise You in Jesus' most holy and precious Name.

                                                  ~ERC  November 2020~

Based on Psalm 36:1-12 NIV

Sing, Peace Like a River, Kids Worship

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