Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Put Your Hand in His: 2020 to 2021

 Knee-deep in Covid; some up to their necks in it in the year 2020.  It's obvious the flood of it will not recede as we spill into the year 2021.  In fact, in places it seems a veritable tsunami!

Vaccines produced, inoculating the brave or naïve or the compelled.  Have you heard of the Covid passports?  You won't be able to fly,  enter to amusement parks, or do many other things unless you have this proof of vaccination.  Almost like the "mark of the beast;"  enough  to make the end-timers squeamish.

In 2019, many thought "positive".  In 2020, we all have wanted to think "negative" (pardon me, but I saw this in a joke online but the mirth of it turns sour-ish especially for those directly touched by Covid).  What should we think in 2021?

Maybe it's best to put our hands and hearts in the hand and heart of God, as we go into the unchartered days ahead.

I really like what one chap from the 1800's wrote,

"I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year,

'Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown'.

And he replied,

'Go into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God, that shall be better than light and safer than a known way!"  (M. L. Harkins)

Does that thought give you peace and comfort?

Whatever tidal waves crash your way in 2021, keep your hand in God's and hold on for dear life.

He'll guide you through, come what may.  You may be in for a storm tossed ride or a pleasant surprise but one thing would be for sure, Jesus never fails and His love is unfailing and unconditional.  He'll hold your head above the waterline and maybe, even like Peter of long ago, let you walk upon those waves and billows.  Keep your eyes fixed on Him.

Does that sound bleak?  Or does it sound like an adventure with the Savior?  Whatever, keep your hand in His.  He's holding you tightly and will never let you go.  From there you can look up into His shining face, radiating with love, care and concern for you.

As your Year 2020 morphs into 2021, may it be crowned with God's goodness and abundance; His best, for you.

                                                   HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021!

                                                    ~ERC  December 2020~

Sing along with Johnny Cash, Anne Murray and others, Put Your Hand in the Hand



  1. I enjoyed your thoughts, it reminds me of on of my favorite NT verses, Philippians 4:7 and the peace of God,which passeth all understanding, ahall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

    1. Yes, that is a comforting verse especially in view the the year we have all gone through. Having peace of mind and heart with God's peace is a wonderful gift we can have from the Lord. Thanks for sharing this verse.

  2. You're welcome and sorry it took so long to respond. So terribly sorry you had such a tragic accident and loss of son!! Your hearts must have been so crushed. May the Lord ever be Your hope and solace as you continue to bravely live on with that huge empty place in your heart.

    1. Thank-you, and this reply has been too long in coming. Actually, it was a daughter we lost. The Lord gave us three sons, thereafter.
