Saturday, January 30, 2021

Prayer - Good At Confession

 Have you ever been introduced to the "A-C-T-S' way of praying?  That's where 'A' stands for 'adoration'; 'C' stands for 'confession'; 'T; for 'Thanksgiving'; and 'S' for 'supplication'.  David the psalmist, has all of those down pat; and covers the bases well.  Read through his many psalms and check it out.

In Psalm 38, David is bent on confession. He really lays it all out, telling mostly what the consequences of his sins had been and admitting he deserved it.  The consequences really had done a number on him, so much so, he seemed to have been rather debilitated thereby.

He said that because of God's wrath, God's "arrows had pierced him": and there was no "health in his bones" (vs 2, 3).  There was "no soundness"; "wounds festered" (v. 5); he was "bowed low" and "mourning all day long" (v. 6).

Ever have excruciating back pain?  David did.  He said his back "is filled with searing pain" (v. 7) and therefore he was "feeble and utterly crushed and groaned in anguish of heart" (v. 8).  Many other such maladies afflicted him.

He acknowledged why.  It was because of his "sin" (v. 3) and "sinful folly" (v. 5).  He also felt his guilt which was a very good thing.  It caused him to "confess his iniquity" (v.18).

On top of all the physical problems, he was shunned by friends and neighbors and there was no one left who seemed to care at all.  Such total rebuke and sin consequences he had had to endure.  No one was left for him to turn to so He besought the LORD, "do not forsake me" (v. 21).  He knew where his help would come from and in desperation, and likely depression, he turned to the One Who he knew would help and exclaimed,

"Come quickly to help me, my LORD and my Savior" (v. 22).

Father, in deep anguish of soul and heart, may each of Your children learn how to be "good confessors".  We know our only Meditator and Mitigatory is Jesus, our Advocate; between us and You.  We can come boldly into Your presence, in humble and equally deep repentance, contriteness and with sincerity of heart as did David when he sought your face and forgiveness.  May it all tumble forth from our inner beings and off our tongues when we go against You and Your will and ways for our lives.

Your word says that when we confess, Jesus forgives:

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9 ESV).

Thank-You, Father, for this.  We do not take our wrongs lightly and do not seek that forgiveness flippantly.  We hold dearly, on to Your promise, and may each of us keep short accounts with You each time we seek Your face.

May our consciences be sensitive to Your Holy Spirit's convictions and our hearts willing to confess as thoroughly as David has done and has shown us with such vulnerability and for "all the world" to see.

Only then we can adore and laud You, and thank You and supplicate for others on their behalf in all good conscience and restored relationship with You, Heavenly Father.  May we all become good at  confession.  May our sacrifices of praise then be acceptable in Your sight.

We ask this in and through Jesus, Your Son, and our Advocate's, Name.

                                                   ~ERC  December 2020~

Based on Psalm 38:1-22 (NIV).

Sing prayerfully and with confession, Lord, to You I Make Confession, Koine

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