Sunday, January 17, 2021

Good Book - Secret of Happiness


Everyone loved and respected Billy Graham because Billy Graham loved and feared God and God's love exuded out to everyone through him.  His words had weight and he was a mighty man of God with great integrity.  But, he had a secret...

He did share it though in a book entitled, The Secret of Happiness.  Happiness is a premium, elusive "commodity" to many and they search for it often in the wrong places.  Graham explains that a person does not have to have an outside stimulus to base one's happiness upon.  

In fact, in this book, he relates that happiness can be found in the most of unusual ways and times of life.  Happiness can be found "through poverty;" "while mourning;" through meekness;" "through being hungry;" "through showing mercy;" "in purity;" "in peacemaking;" and "in spite of persecution."

Have you guessed where this comes from originally?  It's from God and is more well known as "The Beatitudes".  These Jesus taught, and those who take hold and follow them, will find that true happiness they are seeking for their souls.  Graham elaborates on how these can play out in our lives.

It has been quite sometime since reading this book and as I flip through it to write this review, I'm reminded of various aspects that I have forgotten.  Time to reread.

Billy Graham walked the talk and everyone could see his happiness in his radiant countenance and smile despite any difficult times he may have been experiencing.  You'll not only love the man but you'll love his book.  After all, it is based on the book and teachings of the One he loved; His Lord Jesus Christ and His Word.

                                                     ~ERC January 2021~

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