Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Sparkle & Kindle

Medical front liners are indeed heroes of these days of  Covid-19 and I do not wish to minimize their role and Heruculean efforts to save the lives of the victims and to even be their "family" in the last moments that many of the patients have.  However, there are some others that have an extra mammoth task that was thrust upon them that has taken all the super duper strength of their beings, physically, mentally and emotionally, perhaps even spiritually..  Those people are teachers.  We do not hear much about them in the news, yet they are still there, digging deeply and faithfully, into their job over and above the usual call.  From what I have seen, many have become frazzled and burnt out, and there has been much fallout because of it.

This prayer is for that sector.  

Jesus, Your love will see the school teachers through the many hotspots of teaching that have been made even hotter by the coronavirus and all it entails.  It sure is a rough ride, though.  Many boisterous waves and billows of monumental proportions.  Your love and grace buoy and sustain.  You love with an everlasting love and with Your loving kindness You can draw them to You (Jeremiah 31:3) and be wrapped in Your everlasting arms. To be still, there.

Help the educators, to actively step back and be able  to absorb Your love for them as an individual, like a dry towel absorbs moisture, and become infused with Your love, patience and peace.  Help them to have understanding and insight into Your love, that it is what their "thirsty" souls need and can delight in.  May they bask and revel in Your love and become "recharged".

Make the abstract theory of saying,  "Yes, I know Jesus loves me," become concrete and tangible to them.  Let them grasp greedily on to Your love which never changes and is forever. I know You never fail and will never fail the teachers even if they do have to step back and let others take over for a spell.  It is not failure, Father.  You do give times of rest and part of how You would love them.

In turn, may they be able to reflect Your bid of love; not to cling selfishly on to it but to share Your message of love with their charges; many of whom may well be incorrigible imps.  May this message of love swamp teacher and student alike with overwhelming and overflowing proportions so that they become constant and boisterous waves and billows, splashing joyously upon others.

May Your love then touch these souls and awaken them to You, Jesus.  Awaken them to You and Your love for them.  For them!  They have not been forgotten, tucked away at home behind the laptop and Zoom and/or hybrid classes.  May parents be grateful at the extra efforts put in with all the 'SOP's' and learning new-to-them technological "tricks" for those virtual connections.   May the students show gratitude for their teachers' love and sacrifices by actually paying attention and completing their assignments well and that by due date.

May Your love spark and ignite students to relationship with You, Jesus, as they also learn to appreciate and accept Your gift of love, sacrifice and salvation of their souls.  May Your everlasting love draw them to You.  May they then reflect Your love and kindle it in others and so on and so forth.

Thank-You for Your tidal waves of undying love, Jesus.  Let them break and splash over all of us, but especially over all the teachers as they work from their heart.  

We need You!

                                                      ~ERC  November 2020~

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