Friday, January 22, 2021

More Than Tongue Can Tell


Jesus, I love You and have every reason to do so, because You first loved me.  Your love compelled You to take beatings, mocking and scorn, on my behalf.  Your love took You all the way to the suffering upon the cross and Your death.

Worst than the torture and shame brought on by the physical hands of men and insistent demanding shouts of the Jewish crowds, was my sin.  You suffered and died in my stead.  You suffered God's wrath due to my sin and the sin of the whole human race.

Due to the sin, You suffered separation from Your Father, God.  Sin separates from God.  This was excruciating for You.  Yet Your love for me, for all mankind, kept You nailed to the cross.  You accomplished the purpose for which You had come to Earth.

You uttered, 

"Father, into Your hands I commit my Spirit."  

Your love, and obedient sacrifice gained my salvation, and bridged that gap to Your Father, that had separated me from Him.

Because of Your resurrection we can accept salvation from a living Savior and God.  As I accept Your gift of salvation and faith, I thank You with heartfelt gratitude and thanksgiving, Jesus, My Savior.  I'm Yours now.

You hold me in Your hand.  Your Father too, holds me.  I believe You will never let me go as You have earned my forgiveness of sins, made me righteousness in God's sight and given me eternal life.

How good You are, Jesus, Savior.

Thank-You for the additional gift of the indwelling of Your Holy Spirit Who helps me now to show my gratitude in living to please You and to make You Lord of my life.  Not only are You my Savior but You are Lord; my Savior Jesus and my Lord Jesus.

Thank-You so much, Jesus, for laying down Your life and taking it up again, for me and all Your human creatures who choose to accept You as Savior and Lord of their lives.

We cannot thank You enough.  

Your love is more than tongue can tell!

                                                ~ERC  November 2020~

Sing Your Love is More Than Tongue Can Tell by Best Loved Gospel Hymns

Sing The Love of God along with the Gaither gang.

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