Saturday, January 16, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - Risen Savior


Risen Savior, Lord of all, we gladly come to You with our praise and thanksgiving on this Lord's Day.  We rejoice and are glad for the salvation You provided for those of us who are Your followers.  Those of us, who through faith in You and the work You accomplished on our behalf, we can praise You forever.

You are in our midst as we gather by two's and three's even in this time of Covid-19.  We are not daunted.  As we read Your word, obey it, and pray to glorify You and our Heavenly Father, our hearts are warmed and burst with praise and joy.

Jesus, as You appeared to Cleopas and friend along the way to Emmaus, as You opened their understanding and insight and later that of the gathered apostles and disciples when You appeared in their midst, they had gladness of heart and worshiped You, even as they watched You ascend back into Heaven days afterwards.  They praised and worshipped because You are alive.  You are risen.  They were forgiven.

Your love flowed out to them.  Your love flows to us too in our day and age.  Even though we do not see You with our physical eyes, we know Your presence with us.  As our faith increases, so too, inexpressible and glorious joy.  You gave us salvation for our souls (1 Peter 1:8 & 9).

In consequence, we gladly partake of the broken bread and drink of the wine, emblems signifying Your work of salvation for us.  We now serve You, our risen Lord and Savior.

We joyfully joy in You, our God, as we sing of Your love, and  pray and praise in Your Name, Lord Jesus.


                                                   ~ERC November 2020~

Sing,  I Serve a Risen Savior, acappella, Blue Rock Mennonite Youth.

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