Friday, January 29, 2021

Calls Us By Name

 "Come-bye; come-bye," called the handler.




"Group them together." 

The sound of the handler's voice came clear across the meadow to his stock dog.  Thus, the way of more modern shepherds.

This shepherd still caring for his sheep yet from a more impersonal stance compared to what we envision ancient sheep tending, where the shepherd led the flock and the sheep followed his voice.  

They knew the shepherd's voice.  Shepherds knew their sheep by name.  (No injustice or offense meant to modern shepherds; I'm open to correction.)

I have read that sheep are able to recognize their name being called much the same as a dog would.  In addition, they recognize faces and can even discern the mood of a person, most likely the shepherd; whether he is sad, happy, etc.  I find this amazing.  Of course though, they are made by God, so it really shouldn't surprise us.  Ha, ha.

Did you know our Heavenly Father loves to call people by name?  This was high-lighted by a brother in our church.  He listed several specific ones who had their respective names called.

One of the first ones we come across in the Bible is 'Abraham'.  Abraham was about to sacrifice his one and only son Isaac per God's instruction.  Isaac was bound on the altar, Abraham had the knife poised above his head and God called out,

"Abraham!  Abraham!" (Genesis 22:1, 11).

That would have gotten one's attention, and it certainly did the trick with Abraham and he halted in his tracks.  God assured him that He knew Abraham's heart and that he truly loved God first, despite his great love for Isaac.  He had passed God's test.  Not that God needed to know this, but He wanted to show Abraham where his ultimate allegiance and trust lay.


Jacob was about to pack up, lock, stock and barrel, and emigrate to Egypt from Canaan as his long, lost son Joseph, who'd been found alive after decades of being thought dead, had requested.  The invite was also from Pharoah.  They invited him and the rest of the family to live in Egypt for the rest of the famine years.

God spoke to Israel, 

"Jacob!  Jacob!"

Jacob, whose name had been changed by God, to Israel, replied, 

"Here I am," 

as if it was a natural, daily occurrence to converse with God.  

God went on to instruct and assure Jacob to go ahead and go to Egypt as He would go to Egypt with him.  Imagine that.  Ever hear the expression, "Go with God?"  This was God promising to go with Jacob.  How comforting that must have been.

God called him by name.  Jacob heard and answered.  He got comfort and assurance he was moving in a God-approved direction (Genesis 46:2-4).

Then there was the "son of Pharoah's daughter" who'd become a fugitive.

"What is that bush that is on fire but not being consumed?!"  

That "son," Moses, peered across the distance and moved closer for inspection at the strange sight!

The LORD called out, 

"Moses!  Moses!"

Like Abraham and Isaac, Moses responded, 

"Here I am."  

It's almost amusing, actually.  God obviously knew where they were.  It even says so in Exodus 3:4.

"When God saw that he went over to look...".

Yet the three men were sensitive to the voice of God's call.  They were quick to respond.

They didn't always like what they heard though as was the case with Moses.  God gave him a mission which he was reluctant to take up.  Nonetheless, we know he did mightily in leading the children of Israel out of Egypt to worship and guide God's people to the Promised Land.  God promised to be with him and to tell the Israelites the "I AM" had sent him (Exodus 3).

Moses went.

Another example from the Old Testament was Samuel.  Samuel was confused at first until Eli the High Priest realized the LORD must have been calling the boy.  Samuel, as yet, did not know God's voice.  However, his heart was in the right place and at Eli's instruction, he answered, 

"Speak, for Your servant is listening."

Samuel was given a message of judgment upon Eli and sons that he was then afraid to relate to Eli.  Upon Eli's insistence, however, he did.  From then on all Israel recognized that Samuel was an "attested prophet of the LORD".  It was there in Shiloh where the ark of God was, that the LORD revealed Himself to Samuel (1 Samuel 3).

What a life-changing encounter.  

Would you like to have one?  You know what to do, when God calls.  


 Do we know Him and His voice?  Search the Scriptures which are able to make you wise and get to know Him and His voice.

Martha, the dear hospitable lady from Bethany, during Jesus' time got called.  We see from the New Testament book of Luke and chapter 10 that Jesus called her by name, 

"Martha!  Martha!"  

This was a word of admonition yet in care for her, guiding her to "what is better".  That is, to sit at Jesus feet listening to His voice and what He had to say.  Sometimes the cares of our earthly duties distract us, too. May our Lord and Savior Jesus' voice call us to attention, to Him and His Word.

Oh, then there was the dear disciple cum apostle, Peter, once known as "Simon" who was of impetuous, foot-in-mouth character.  I believe he was a caring, heartwarming type of chap though and he did love Jesus and therefore made his boast along the 'well-meaning' line.

Peter said he was 

"...ready to go with Jesus to prison and to death".  

A couple of hours later, he did deny he even knew Jesus.

Jesus had said, 

"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat.  But I have prayed for you Simon, that your faith may not fail.  And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers" (Luke 22:31-34 NIV).

Jesus, the Good Shepherd, called Simon's name; gave him warning; gave him the assurance He'd prayed for Peter and also gave Peter a mission -- to strengthen his brethren.

Watch out if God calls your name!  What will you do about it?  Look at what happened to Peter.

Peter responded in bravado.  He did fail but later Jesus reinstated him (Luke 24) and told him to feed and care for His lambs/sheep.  Peter did eventually do mightily.  An 'ordinary' man, doing extra-ordinary exploits, empowered by the Holy Spirit (Acts).

Having his name called by the Shepherd, Peter followed His voice, "fished" for men and fed the flock of God!  What a privilege!  What a responsibility!

Answer, when God calls you.

A cataclysmic transformation happened to the next recorded person's name that was called.

"Saul!  Saul!  Why do you persecute Me" (Acts 9:4)?

"Who are You, LORD?" 

Saul wanted to know (Acts 9:4, 5 NIV).

Isn't that a bit strange, too?  Saul did but did not know who had called him.  He said, "LORD" but still wanted to know who was calling him?

The LORD graciously answered, 

"I am Jesus..." (Acts 4:5).

Saul was then given simple instructions to go to Judas' house on Straight St. and Ananias would come to restore his sight by God's power and so Saul would be filled with the Holy Spirit with the laying on of hands.

Through the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit, Saul, who later went by the handle,  Paul, began preaching that Jesus is the Son of God.  He preached to the Jews first and then to the Gentiles.  This had phenomenal effects as if a thrown stone into water.  The ripples expanded in ever increasing and encompassing circumferences, all down through the ages until now.

Praise God Paul listened to the Good Shepherd's voice so we could hear it now.

John 10:3 remarks,

"...the sheep listen to His voice.  He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out."

He calls them.  He leads them.

"He goes ahead of them...they follow Him because they know His voice" (John 10:4).

Jews and Gentiles, alike, listen for and follow His voice,

"I have other sheep" said Jesus, "...they too will listen to my voice" (John 10:16 NIV).

Our Good Shepherd even...

"...lay down His life for His sheep" (John 10:15).

He knows each of us by name.  He calls, He leads.  Do we listen?  Do we answer?  Do we follow as the patriarchs and prophets of old did?  Do we sit and listen to His teaching through His Word and the Holy Spirit's guidance, comfort, assurances and instructions?

Jesus said,

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow Me.  I give them eternal life and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand" (John 10:27-28 NIV).

May we each listen for our Good Shepherd's voice when He calls us by name.  


"Here I am."

He knows where you are and He'll be with you wherever you go (Matthew 28:7; Hebrews 13:5 and Romans 8:38-39).

                                                  ~ERC  November 2020~

Sing My Sheep Know My Voice, along with Zeal for Zion

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