Sunday, January 31, 2021

Good Book - Lighting the World

 The review for this book, Lighting the World, by author C. Peter Wagner, has been in the wings for the past few weeks as I read through and began 'digesting' it.  It has been a most eye-opening commentary on the book of Acts chapter 9 through 15.  It lays out the missiology of the early church fathers and how the same principles can be applied even today in missionary endeavors, in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to "all the world".  

Additionally, once the two's and three's are gathered together, appointing local leadership, again through Holy Spirit's discernment and wisdom, is of utmost importance for the growth and health of the assembly.

That may sound like dry reading but I assure you it is NOT!  I learned so much and it has indeed  been, "exciting and inspiring" (as it advertises on the back jacket of the book).   It is not weighted down with big, boring theological terminology but does make the reader sit up and take notice as the works and acts of the Holy Spirit through the apostles and other disciples of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, transpire.

Wagner helps the reader focus on some very serious issues and to hash out in their mind, what exactly one believes in such situations that can be presented to the believers in Jesus today that would divide and conquer them.  Not only can the individual develop his/her thinking but it would be especially good for the congregation of believers, as a whole, to grasp.

The context and background of the events that evolved regarding the various major conflicts that arose during Peter and Paul's time, and why matters arose as they did.  It is really illuminating and makes very good, logical sense, answering questions one may have had about those times.  What was the "big deal" of those issues back then and how would they have affected the church to this day if they had not been resolved?

At the end of each chapter are five questions to help one 'chew the cud' of what one has just read, which are helpful in assisting one to come to at least, an initial conclusion, of what one has learned and formed some 'rightful' opinion of belief. 

Reading this volume certainly has whet my appetite to read the other two books in this series.  Lighting the World is Book 2.  [I sort of came by this  edition by "chance" not realizing it was # 2 of 3.]  I'd love to get a hold of Books 1 (Spreading the Fire) and 3 (not sure of the title; can't seem to find it although alluded to).  I hope to someday get my hands on them because this Book 2 was so refreshing and enlightening.

                                                     ~ERC  January 2021~

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