Saturday, January 23, 2021

Prayer - Contend For Us


O LORD, You are ever our Contender and Defender against our enemies; those principalities and powers that are mostly invisible to us.  However, You are our salvation.  In times of trouble You are ever with us, protecting, leading, guiding with Your "sword" -- Your Holy Scriptures, the Bible, and with Your Holy Spirit, who indwells us.

The angel of the Lord pursues and drives away the enemy and when we cry out to You, "Jesus!" and "in the Name of Jesus" for Your help, You hear us and come to our rescue.

As human beings we do not always see or know of the hidden traps, pitfalls and other designs and schemes of the evil one, working directly or indirectly through influencing others of our fellow man, against those who profess the Name of Jesus and who belong to You, Father.

Therefore, we don't always know the ways You have helped us but our souls do rejoice in You and in our salvation.  Salvation from our sins and their consequences, and also salvation from the schemes of the wicked.

Rescue the poor and needy whether it is in the financial sense or in the legal sense or the health sense, and any other sense, for that matter, in which the vulnerable need Your help.  Swallow up, the wrong of others against Your people.  Don't let them gloat over the defenseless.  Indeed, put them to shame and confusion so Your people will be vindicated.

Then Your vindicated ones can praise and exalt You with gratitude and thanksgiving in their hearts as did Your servant and king-of-choice, David.  He then spoke of Your righteousness and praised You all day long because You contended for Him, over and over again.

We look forward to the day we come into Your Heavenly Home, able to freely sing Your praises and adore You continually, forever and ever.  Oh, of course, we are starting here and now.  I know we can but we forget and get distracted with Earth's cares.

Thank-You, You are such a forgiving God, and Jesus our Savior is too.  Contend for us too, as You did for the ancients.  May we forgive those who trespass against us.  David had so many people, over the years of his life, trespassing against him and not letting up.  Yet, he was forgiving.  To us it is unimageable, especially with all he went through.  Nonetheless we have it; he did.  What's more, Your Son Jesus, who went through even worse, also said, "Father, forgive them...!"  It is so hard for us, but we have these examples set before us from Your Word.  Help us!  

It's in Jesus most precious Name, we pray and praise.

                                             ~ERC November 2020~

Based on Psalm 35:1-28 NIV

Sing I AM Your Deliverance, with Karl Kohlhase

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