Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Prayer - Up, Out of the Mud


Heavenly Father, You spread Your mantle of mercy, love and faithfulness upon us by Your manifold righteous saving acts.  These have brought gladness and rejoicing of heart to us.  You are our great Deliverer.  You are our LORD and God.

Indeed, as David said in Psalm 40, You'd,

"lifted (him) out of the slimy pit...and set his feet on a him a firm place to stand..." (Psalm 40:2 NIV).

You caused him to rejoice and sing a new song of praise to You because of it.  David had cried out to You and You had heard and delivered him--reason to sing afresh.  You do so over and over again for our trials, troubles and temptations of life.

Here are our will and hearts; make them malleable to Your law of love on hearts softened by Your goodness, love, forgiveness and salvation.  We humbly bow down in thanksgiving for all Your emancipation help.

You have rescued us from ourselves and sin, and its consequences through Your saving act of sending Jesus to rescue our souls and put those new songs upon our lips.  We sing of Your faithfulness in the congregation of Your redeemed people (family).  You had not withheld Your mercy and love and now You protect us from the evil one despite any number of troubles that surround us.

Come quickly to help us so all may rejoice at how You work, wend and weave Your ways in us, even when others wish to bring us down to disgrace and shame.

Oh Father, they did that to Your Son.  They tried to discredit and shame Him.  They thought they had brought Him down, when He got arrested, stood trial and was crucified.  They thought they had the last word as the stone was rolled into place across the tomb's mouth.

All those who put Jesus to shame were forgiven by Jesus.  He asked You to forgive them for He said that they did not know what they were doing.  It was then a charge of unintentionally sinning against You; therefore there was room for repentance.  He was so good.  Like Father, like Son.

You came quickly to their help even though they did not deserve it.  Father, come to Your children's aid too, especially when others desire their ruin and to disgrace them to their co-workers, neighbors, even on the daily news channels and in the newspapers; some, perhaps, even among the assemblages of those gathered together in the Name of Jesus.  

False accusations, power struggles, misinformation; these can all bring a person down.

Come quickly to Your child's aid.  Lift them up out of that quagmire of muddy malice and manipulations so that those who love Your Name can rejoice and tell out Your salvation.  May You be exalted.  Come quickly, do not delay.

We want to sing You new praises in Jesus most precious Name.

                                               ~ERC  December 2020~

Based on Psalm 40:1-17 NIV

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