Thursday, May 28, 2020

U - Turn Tree

Can you see that tree?  Maybe you can enlarge the picture so you can see it better.  Note how the branch branches out to the left and up, like a u-turn.  The straight trunk had been lobbed off and so the tree thought...hmmm...this will not do, and so it made a u-turn branch that ran up and made the tree into a rather lofty and noteworthy tree.  It certainly hooked my attention and I just had to get a closer goggle at, and  a snapshot of, it.

It reminded me that life often sends us curve balls and it feels like something got amputated. (No offense or disrespect to those who have had this happen to them, literally.  I can only imagine it and that it would not be a very pleasant thing to happen.  A total shock to the system, I would say.)

An abrupt end to something.  

An end to something you thought was going great.

And you can't understand it.  You are confused and devastated by it.


The tree in the picture sends me a message of new life and hope.  That a person can strive to overcome the odds through patience and perseverance, and yes, I'm going to say, mighty, big dose of trust in our Heavenly Father.

He's our Maker and what happens to us matters to Him.  Knowing He cares is a huge comfort to the heart, soul, and mind which in turn can ignite the will  power, that determination, to branch out and up to new heights of flourishing.

When life presents its challenges, think of the u-turn tree.

                                                        ~ERC  May 2020~

Sing along with George Beverly Shay and Guy Penrod Does Jesus Care?

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