Saturday, May 23, 2020

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - Bow Down in Worship

Father, as I read and pray through the Psalms, I feel the joy of the LORD in Your being the Rock of my salvation.  You are there, solid--Someone we can lean upon.  I feel that joy that I and all your followers, can come before You in thanksgiving, with music and in song.  You are great!

Father, on LORD's DAY when we come to bow down and worship, to kneel before You, the LORD our Maker, the Lord the Provider of our salvation, we praise and thank Jesus for what He has done for us by going to the cross.  The cross where He took the punishment for all our sins and gave us everlasting life.  

We have become your people, your children, "the sheep of Your pasture".  You are our great and good Shepherd, LORD, King and Maker, our Savior, Redeemer, the One Who atoned for our souls, and the list could go on.  Through this work, we have been made righteous in Your sight.  We are Your Children, You our Father and we can call You that endearing name, "Abba Father".

We delight in You and being in communion with You, in Your presence at home in our closets and also together with the congregation of Your chosen people, the Church, whether in two's or three's or even hundreds more.

Thank-You, that You do not reject us because, like in Old Testament times, the righteous people then were always afraid of losing You, Your Spirit and Your blessing.  We do know though, that we can never lose "everlasting life" nor the gift of Your Holy Spirit's indwelling.  We can lose our joy of the Lord if we turn our backs on You.  A relationship gone off.  At those times help us not to harden our hearts against You but that we will trust You when we are being tested, when we have our trials, troubles and distresses in our lives.  Father, preserve us from such a thing as turning our backs on You.

The children of Israel, for forty years, grumbled and went on and on.  Let us not be like that.  Let us keep short accounts with You of our lives, and what we do so we may listen to Your Holy Spirit's guidance and convictions.  May we make our confessions to You and receive Your forgiveness and purification that we will continue to move along in the process of sanctification.  

Like Chuck Swindol wrote in his little book Intimacy with the Almighty

"Noise and words and frenzied, hectic schedules dull our senses, closing our ears to His (meaning Yours), still small voice and making us numb to His touch."

You have helped us be quarantined by COVID-19, to teach and remedy all that.  To take the time out to work on our relationship with You.  Locked down in our homes with more time on our hands, people of God,  let us not busy ourselves so much even then but turn our hearts to You, Abba Father.

Oh Lord, we know that we will enter into our rest because of our everlasting life.  That is sure.  We can be safe.  We can be sure.  We can be happy in this knowledge of You and be truly, one hundred percent attentive to You.  And so we bow down in worship, and partake of the bread and drink of the cup of remembrance of what Your Son Jesus Christ's work has done for us, as we pass them one to another.

I thank-You and praise You and bow down before You, my God and Savior.

I give You praise Father God, in Jesus' Name.

                                                     ~ERC  February 2020~
                                                        (originally prayed)

Prayer based on Psalm 95.

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