Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Prayer - All May Praise You

Father God, be gracious unto us and bless us and make your face shine upon us.  We want Your ways to be made known unto us and Your salvation among all nations.  As harvesters go out among those nations may Your salvation be known to the peoples of the earth in ways that they can understand and culturally relate to.

I ask for many harvesters to go out into the field to gather the harvest that's already ripe.  Lord, while You are at it, may there also be that important  follow up discipleship, not just the gathering in of the harvest but the bringing Your newly adopted children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Ironically, the harvest needs to take root and to grow (Hmm, how do harvested plants root and grow?  You Father are in the miracle business), to expand their faith, to know what it is to revere You; adore You; to commune with You; build a relationship with You; to be blameless and righteous, not just in Your sight but in the sight of all men.

As they relinquish any addictions, bad habits they have, may they become more Christ-like and have their "cravings" be for You alone.  May all peoples praise You, oh Father God, being glad and rejoicing, singing for joy, that You have done this, in their lives.  Rejoicing too, that You are the Ruler of their lives, not the evil drink, or drugs or gambling or pornography or illegal money-making careers, or the hard-core lump of unforgiveness and bitterness against someone, that may have had a grip on their lives.  Loosen their shackles.

Now that these chains have been broken by You and Your Son Jesus Christ, may they be filled with Your Holy Spirit  instead.  May You be their ALL.  May they go back to You again and again when the temptations threaten to overtake.  Then they too will bring in other harvest because of their profoundly changed lives; that transformation honed by You.

May that potential "new harvest" be astonished at what has been effected in the lives of their family member, friend, neighbor, colleague, and so on, and, in turn, be drawn to You, not to that person but drawn to Jesus through them.

Oh Lord, bless us all to the ends of the Earth.  Those who fear You, whom You have chosen to be Your children; may we all praise You.

I ask in the Name of Jesus and by the power of Jesus' blood.

                                                            ~ERC  2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 67

Sing, Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

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