Wednesday, May 20, 2020

King of Kings

History always speaks "from the grave," as it were, and we can learn much from it.

 Recently I've been reading about the ancient civilizations of India, China and Southeast Asia (SEA).  They had many kings and emperors and feudal lords each vying to be the king of kings.   One king would try to gain control over other kings and get more power and territory for themselves.

 In addition to that, to keep tighter control even in outlying areas, they thought of themselves as divine and/or the priest of gods and it was only through them that the people could connect to those gods.  They also demanded tribute to be paid to them and a showing of respect bordering on worship, seeing as the 'god' aspect was in there.  The people were duped and believed it, often terrified of the results of disobedience.  That kept a lot of the rebellions and uprisings at bay.

Well they have done all that without thinking Who  the real King of kings is!  He is the One who rules over all, as the verse says.  So we too can learn who is in control even now in this COVID-19 time.  He knows the difficulties we go through and everything.  It is comforting to know He is there, He is in control, He is perfect and will not harm us.

He is also merciful, loving, kind, good and full of grace.  

He is also the One to reign, come The Millennium.  People then will bring their gifts and offerings from far and wide and the wealth of the nations will come pouring in (Isaiah 60:11).  This my brother was reminding me of just today.

As 1 Timothy 6:14-15 (NIV) reveal,

14 to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 which God will bring about in his own time—God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords,

 He is our Heavenly Father, God and His Son Jesus is our Savior and may we all be found faithful and obedient to Him.  This not because we are "forced" to, terrified of consequences if we don't, but out of a heart of gratitude for the One Supreme King above all kings, who gave His all for us.  What better way than to let Him rule our hearts.

Praise be to His Holy Name.

                                                        ~ERC  May 2020~

Sing, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Don Moen

He Shall Reign Over All the Earth by Hymnal

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