Sunday, May 17, 2020

Lord's Day Devotional - Devotional Prayer - Word Became Flesh

Heavenly Father, You were there in the beginning because You are the Creator God.  The Word was there too, cuz "the Word was with God and the Word was God" so we now we can trace our humanity all the way back to the beginning where You started it all for us; actually, for You.  For You too have fellowship with Your created beings and so that they may give you glory.

We know and believe that all things were made,

 " you and without You nothing has been made..."  (John 1:1-3)

and that our life, our very life, comes from You; our Light.  Whatever Light we may have, is given by You.  The dark and the light that You have shines in the darkness even though the darkness doesn't understand it.  Therefore, You had to send Jesus to help explain it all to us human beings.  

You sent a man first though, John, to prepare the way for Jesus.  He came as a witness concerning that Light; the Light that would shine out to all mankind.  This in hopes that some of us might believe; that the Light would penetrate into our minds and our hearts.  In consequence, so we could understand about the true Light that comes from You, oh Father God.

This is available to every single person.  Jesus, the "Light of the World" is coming, proclaimed John.  He's coming to help us climb and claw our way out of the darkness.  Some of us human beings get into deep, deep darkness, but we praise You Father, Your Light can shine even there.

We know that Your Son Jesus,

 "...was in the world but He was not of the world" (John 1:910)

 Even though, Jesus, the Word, was there with You creating the world, the world did not recognize Him, their Maker.  We couldn't recognize our own Maker!

So, there were people, who did not receive Him.  Yet there was and still is, that group who have and will receive Him and believe in His precious Name, the name of Jesus Christ.  Due to this, we become Your children (John 1:12).

Heavenly Father, You are such a good, loving Maker.  You want to make a connection with us, want to commune with us!  Therefore, You've called us your "children". 

We have been born of God!

Born of God!

I know, Father, this does NOT make us divine.  Doesn't make us gods but it gives us Your Holy Spirit which we learn from the book of Acts and chapter 2.  He aids us in becoming more Christ-like in our actions, attitudes and character, and to generate more compassion, kindness, gentleness and goodness; all the fruit of Your Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22).

In Jesus, the One and Only who comes from You Father, is abundant grace and truth.  Grace and Truth came into this world of darkness, of no grace and mercy, together with this Light, shining in brilliance.  Your Word became flesh and dwelt among us so we could behold Your glory; the glory of the one true God.

We can now experience Your grace and truth firsthand.  

Thank-You for the faithfulness of Your servant John the Baptizer who cried out about your coming; of Your greatness and the need of the peoples' repentance.  He proclaimed of Your grace  that when we have already received one blessing after another.

We know Your laws that You gave to Moses to give to the children of Israel were good laws.  However, those laws glaringly showed up our flaws.  So when Jesus came with His grace and truth we get an inkling of that for our own life.  Jesus in His perfection of love, grace and truth, lends us a hand in comprehending a little of Your bigness, of Your Sovereignty and of Your Holiness.  Over all that, Your love enveloped us and proved to mankind how You felt about your human creatures, and so You sent Your One and Only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

I know that we have never actually seen You, Father God, but when we have seen Jesus Christ, Who is at Your side, then we know what You are like too.

I praise You for this and as we remember the Lord Jesus Christ, in His death, and the work He accomplished on the cross for the saving of our souls, flooding our hearts with His Light; and His resurrection.  We know we have a LIVING  GOD who is very, very interested in us and shows us grace and truth.  Help us to remember to praise You, adore You, to worship You.  

We partake then of the bread, and drink of the cup of wine, those symbols of Jesus' broken body and blood shed for the remission of our sins; of Your Light inundating our souls and hearts dispelling the darkness for ever; the indwelling of Your Holy Spirit, guaranteeing and securing our relationship with You,  making us Your children.  We give thanks with gratitude, for all You have done for us, in Jesus' Name.

                                                       ~ERC  May 2020~

Prayer based on John 1:1-18 NIV

The Word Became Flesh, Colin Buchanan

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