Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Let Freedom Ring

The "sweet land of liberty" seems to be an unruly, disobedient lot, so very used to getting their own way.  What say you?

Look at them!  Just look at them!  Protesting restrictions, by NOT social distancing, in the streets; by still flocking to the beach and restaurants; that, if the media broadcasts can be believed.

And COVID cases continue to rise.  Oh, really?!  Isn't that all overblown?

Again, if the news can be believed, take the state of Georgia, for instance, that was one of the first states to "open up".  In just a short period of time, their case numbers shot up forty-some percent.

"Facts, facts, facts," cites Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York state.  Now there's a man with his head on right!

Look at the facts.  Look at the statistics.

Compare this to the more 'obedient' countries of the world where, yes, they have had their relatively fair share of the virus.  Those populaces generally followed the restricted movement orders without undue complaint, although human nature being what it is, wayward and stubborn at best, those temporary restrictive movement laws were strongly enforced by the police and army.  If you went out during the allotted hours of "essential" going out, you'd better have an awfully good reason to be out and be able to prove it.

This has worked.  New cases of COVID-19, although still happening, happen less often.  The statistics, if they are not being manipulated, look not too bad.  The corona tide is being stemmed, hopefully.

So what's all this about freedom?  Freedom to be stupid?  Or, freedom to choose wisely?

This reminds me of a few Bible verses a way back in the Old Testament times when Israel was under the leadership of Moses (Deuteronomy 30:15-20 ESV).  Here he presented a choice to the multitudes of Israelites,

"See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil...therefore choose life..."

(You can flip to the Scripture and read all the in between verses...)

Why would someone have to strongly suggest for another to choose life?  Most people, I thought, were afraid of death.  Granted in this situation, there was not a plague but one could have easily descended upon them if they hadn't obeyed God's command.   In fact, it did happen to them several times over when they didn't choose wisely.

I don't want to sound too 'sergeant-major-ish" or like an authoritarian dictator, but again, look at the facts and see.  Yes, nowadays much of the information we get is contradictory and/or confusing.  Nonetheless, we can take lessons from all the countries around the world who have been affected and see what they did and didn't do and the consequences thereof.  

On top of that, we can also take lessons from history.  The same "words of wisdom" during other such tragic plagues or viruses, eg. The Spanish Flu, etc, were much the same:  "Stay at Home;" "Wash your hands;" "social distance".  Those things seem to have worked to some degree.

Wouldn't folks rather "be safe than sorry"?

I think all of this is an excellent barometer to check ourselves.  How 'obedient' are we?  How submissive is our heart?  (NOTE:  'submissive' NOT 'subservient')  What is your 'submissive quotient' (SQ)?  Are your SQ and IQ inter-related?  Well, that's a subject for some other time.

The apostle Paul wrote, 

"...all things are lawful/permissible but all things are not helpful/expedient/beneficial" (1 Corinthians 10:23; 6:12) [depending on which version you use].

First Corinthians 10:23 extends to verse 24 which says,

"Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor" (ESV).

We bump into the freedom of choice idea here but does a person need to push their own agenda to the detriment of others?  As followers of Jesus Christ, we do have freedom of choice but we must lather that with God's wisdom, and our obedience to Him and so choose wisely.  This also not to mention, we are supposed to also obey the authorities of the land even in the restrictions for the good and benefit of all citizens whether they go along with our way of thinking or not.  

You can see that Governor Andrew Cuomo is really pulling out most of the stops, explaining things rather well to the New Yorkers; looking at the facts.  They are generally following the protocol too and slowly but surely, even at a snail's pace, they are seeing some positive results.  Ooops, I suppose I shouldn't use the word "positive" when speaking in virus terms.  However, results are looking up and paying off due to a more 'obedient' state populace and from someone who takes sensible, logical action.

Meanwhile, others elsewhere are 'throwing tantrums' in the streets and supermarkets and shops because they are barred entry due to having no mask, for example; choosing death instead of life.  One person even caustically stated something like "...forget about life after death, what about life after birth"?  

People who are not used to having their so-called "rights" incurred upon don't react so well.  Now they are getting a taste of how many others in other parts of the world live, with very few rights granted.  Perhaps they should be sent there to have that defining experience and see if they are so terribly bad off at present after all.

How about those who defy the "keep your businesses closed" order, instead of being jailed, be asked to do community service in the COVID wards.  How about that?!  Wouldn't that be poetical justice?

Enough of that sauce.

Let's swing the subject around to an even more vital choice.  The one that is set before us, to choose between everlasting life in Heaven in our after-earth life (speaking of life after death), or. an everlasting 'living' death in Hell.  To accept or reject salvation through Jesus Christ, that is the question, and that is the ultimate life's decision.

Choose everlasting life.

There'd be plenty of "life after new birth" life then.

Let the freedom of having sins forgiven, that "redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ" (Ephesians 1:6 ESV); of having been adopted by God, of knowing God's will and purpose, of obtaining our inheritance in Him; a gaining the Spirit of wisdom; access to God's immeasurable greatness and power and much, much more, ring in your heart and life (Ephesians 1).

Choose this freedom with an obedient, submission to God our Maker, heart and mind.  Truly then you will be headed to the for real 'sweet land of liberty"--to be with Christ, in Heavenly places--no matter what 'vehicle' takes you, be it COVID-19, any plethora of ailments or accidents, or the blessed Rapture.

May the grace of God be with Your submissive hearts 'til we meet again.

                                                       ~ERC  May 2020~

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