Friday, May 1, 2020

Prayer - Inheritance

Heavenly Father, I give thanks to You, my Lord and Maker; the God Who is the righteous Judge of all the earth.  Oh, Lord God, most high.  I give thanks to You because of Your righteousness and love, and that they endure forever; that love that is unconditional and unfailing.  I also thank-You because we do not need to fret; we  do not need to worry about what evil men may do to us or because of those who are envious of us. 

When they do wrong, we know that we can trust in You.  You are our faithful God.  We can trust in You because You do good and help us live in the land and enjoy safe pasture even amidst lifes' troubles.

May we always delight ourselves in You as we commit our way to you, as we trust in You, as we make You our righteousness.  Make Your righteousness shine upon us, like the dawn, as the sun rises, giving light and warmth.  Shine as the sky glows amber and deeper shades of orange, pinks, purples; mist rising up, refreshing dew upon the earth, know that we acknowledge You are still "in charge" of us, as you even arise up for us, like the sun, with your justice and righteousness.

Father, we come before you to "be still", to wait patiently before You.  When men succeed in their ways, when they carry out wicked schemes against Your people, Lord, we wait patiently for You to help us.  We often feel that these kinds of troubles, when the wicked succeed, that it is not good for us.  However, in Romans 8:28 You say,

"...all things work together for our good..."

Thankfully, You don't say those things ARE good, rather, they WORK TOGETHER for our good; like a piece of embroidery.  Underneath are all the tied-off knots of thread.  It doesn't look so nice.  Nevertheless, the finished product on the "right" side, is a work of art and beauty.  You are "stitching" similarly  in our lives.

Help us to refrain from anger and to turn from our wrath because we know they lead to evil.  Let us to learn to forgive and bless those who persecute us.  Not an easy task Lord, especially when it may all have ruined our lives (Your children's) as we knew it.  

Homes, workplaces, businesses pillaged, burnt, destroyed.  Livelihoods gone!  Our reputation's shredded.  How to forgive?  How to bless those wicked, evil deeds?

Yet, You ask it of us!  Like You, oh Father.  "Like Father, like Son,"  and on  to us, your redeemed children.

On the cross,  Your Son, Jesus said, 

"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34 NIV)

May Your son's and daughters be able to find the grace to forgive like that.

LORD, we do know what the end of those wicked ones will be.  You, the righteous Judge will do right in Your accounting on Judgment Day.  However, we do fear for even those people, those men and women, because Hell is an awful, awful place as we learn from Your Scripture.  

Perpetual fire.



Agony and torment.

Isolation:  enforced "social distancing" at its worst.

It will last forever; an everlasting 'living' death.

Father God, we do not wish that upon anyone.  Indeed, I cannot tell it enough, 

"You are not willing that anyone should perish..." (2 Peter 3:9).

Rescue the perishing.

Help us to be meek, Father, so we can inherit the land and enjoy abundant peace as we set foot upon the land, making good our inheritance, as we store up true treasure for You in heaven.  May we bring more sons and daughters into Your kingdom because of our testimony and Christ-like walk upon this earth.  I do not say this out of pride, rather, Father, may it have been a reflection from our attitudes, and character, emanating from Your Holy Spirit's work within us, revealing to us the right path to living our lives honoring You.  This as we strive to enter and walk that narrow way You have set before us followers of Jesus Christ.

There are indeed many who draw the bow and wield the sword towards us, Your people.  Many around the world are persecuted for their faith in Jesus.  Give them courage and help them endure.

However,  there are times when we must live in the knowledge of, and have confidence in, Your Word which is a double-edged sword, dividing the hearts and marrow (Hebrews 4:12).  That sounds rather painful, having our very own souls and hearts thus "invaded" but this from Your Hand which is merciful, we know it's for our own good and betterment.  May this same Word of God continually be hidden in our hearts so we don't sin against You (Psalm 119:11), and may Your Word be our only weapon against the wicked ones, for their own good and betterment as well.

Lord, it's general knowledge that the wicked often gain great wealth because of their nefarious dealings.  Lord, when we look in comparison to when we follow Your will and ways, and Your righteousness and observe that we may even live in poverty, not having much, just enough (or not) to get may make us tempted to do wicked things to help make ends meet, or to gain great wealth.  Remind us Lord of Your Holy Spirit and Words which tell us the path to LIFE and true treasure is to follow You and Your will and ways to have a righteous life.

Your Scripture also tells us our inheritance will be forever.  We will endure forever with You  and eternal riches in Heaven.  Even in times of disaster, or such things as a corona virus spread world-wide; of famine; of pestilence, etc., our inheritance is still ready and waiting there for us, kept safely with and by You in Heaven; our everlasting life.

Father, there are many of your "made righteous" sons and daughters who do have great worldly wealth and who do give generously.  Help us not to let our "wealth", whether mega-bucks or mere dribble,  create greed for more; not to be stingy in giving but to be generous as You guide our stewardship of fiances, time, and/or energy You have blessed us to oversee.  May we mimic Your generosity.

May we give as You have given and continue to give  Thank-You for the monetary blessing You have given us.  May we, in turn, bless others as the needs arise and how You direct.

You are a generous God.  May You delight in our ways like a father looking down upon a child to see what he or she does and how they do it, enjoying the sweetness, goodness, and ingenuity of their child.  As the child does right, may you smile upon us Lord and keep our steps firm so we won't falter or fail.  Uphold us Father with Your mighty hand.

As we get older, as we age and our footsteps get weaker; we'll know that You have not forsaken us.  You will not ever forsake us.  May we ever be faithful to You with all the "inheritance" You give us throughout all our years and remaining time on planet Earth.

May our children not ever have to go begging, ever.  May they be blessed, to bless others.  May they not allow any wealth they may attain be squandered with riotous living; spending not selfishly but selflessly.  May they turn from evil, from any temptation of doing evil, rather turn, and do what is right, just and fair for others, and be blameless in Your sight.

We know You love those who are just and will not forsake Your faithful ones because You are the ever faithful one.

Protect us and our offspring forever from those who are wicked.  Again, Lord, we know the righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever and ever with You in Heaven.  Set a guard upon our mouths, so that they will always utter wisdom and righteousness.  May that be wisdom that comes from You.

If we lack wisdom, we know where we can get more...from You.  We need only to ask.  Thank-You for such provision.  When we get it may we use it.

May our tongues only speak what is just (vs 30) and may Your law Father, be in our hearts-written upon that new heart of flesh You put in there-so that our feet will not slip.

Father, let not the righteous be condemned when they are brought to trial.  Even though the wicked lie in wait for the righteous seeking their very lives, wishing to pull them from limb to limb, Lord.  Lift them up.  Give them dignity.  Help Your righteous people to wait for You.  To wait for You to exalt us and give us that vindication and inheritance You've promised.

OH Father, come soon!  Come quickly, the Spirit and the Bride say, "Come!"

Consider the blameless.  Observe the upright, so we may have peace in our lives.  We know there will be everlasting peace to come.

Father we also like to have peace in our lives now.  The peace of God that never fails despite the storms of life.  We know that our salvation comes from You, Lord.  You are our stronghold in times of trouble and You deliver and will deliver us from the wicked.

We can assuredly say this because the righteous take refuge in You, their Inheritance.

                                                         ~ERC  April 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 7 & 37

Sing along, The Lord is the Portion of My Inheritance

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