Saturday, May 2, 2020

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - Blessings & Prosperity

Heavenly Father blessed are all of us who fear You, who walk in Your ways because there will be blessing and prosperity upon us.  At least that's what we read in Psalm 128.  I find it very interesting to see what the author of that Psalm considered prosperity and blessing.  One was to have a fruitful wife; another to have sons; and still another, that in a person's old age, to be able to see their children's children.

Some children seem to be what you would call blessing and prosperity.  I even know an African gentleman by the name of "Blessing" and then many Chinese men have the name "Prosperity" (in Chinese).  However, how many people want You to pour blessing down from heaven so they can have what they consider a comfortable life without the encumbrances of children, but You LORD, You value children.

The Psalmist remarked that children seemed to know how to praise You better than adults do.  In the New Testament, the petulant religious leaders wanted to silence the people from praising You.  Jesus said that if that happened the rocks would cry out instead (Luke 19:40).  There were other remarks that "out of the mouths of babes and infants You have perfected  praise" and "established a stronghold" (Psalm 8 & Matthew 21:16)!   In still another passage Jesus admonishes His disciples for trying to prohibit mothers from bringing their little blessings to Jesus.  Jesus said,

"Suffer (or let) the little children come unto Me for of such is the kingdom of Heaven." (Mark 10:14 KJV).

There you see Jesus had the object lesson, that children were a blessing not a curse.  

In Proverbs, Father, Your word exhorts us to go to the ants and consider their ways and to be diligent and wise (Proverbs 6:6-11).  Lord in this case, direct us to the children and see how they praise You.  Sometimes they are so sweet to see as they sing their hearts out, with joy beaming from their faces, singing such songs as the all time favorite, "Yes, Jesus loves me!"

How sweet on their lips, this praise.

Very little guile.  Unadulterated, unmotivated  by thoughts of getting something back for all their passion.  This too, an object lesson for us adults.  This is blessing and prosperity for all.

Father, teach us to praise in such a way, in innocence, humbleness and integrity from the sincerity of our innermost beings, from our hearts and minds, that are in one accord.  As we rise from our beds each morning, go about our daily work routines, and then bed down once more at day's end, help us to praise You with all our hearts, souls, minds, will, and emotions, in communion with You.

As one Nancy Leigh DeMoss quotes one Charles Jefferson,

"Gratitude is born in hearts that take time to count up past mercies."

We can see many reasons to praise You.  The greatest mercy of all time was how and when Jesus bought our pardon.

On this Lord's Day, as we go to meet the Savior, together with others of Your children (except during this quarantine time, of course where we meet virtually):  our brothers and sisters - in - Christ, meeting to remember Your Son, Jesus' sacrifice for us and to give Him praise.  Let us give that unmitigated praise in child-like abandon.  May our sacrifices of praise be acceptable in Your sight oh Lord God.  

Partake then, of the bread; drink, of the cup, and so remember Him in His death and resurrection for us who gave us every reason to praise Him.

In Jesus Name may we have peace to praise.  We ask for Your blessings daily and we Your children bless You back; for we are Your inheritance, Your blessing and Your prosperity.

                                                         ~ERC  May 2020~

Prayer based on Psalm 128

Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow

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