Saturday, May 9, 2020

Mother's Day 2020 - Mother's Shoes

Mother's Day...a day to honor one's mother...if you have one.

I've been a mother for nigh on to 30 years but I still forget I'm one.  The "real" mother is MY Mom!  Now, that's a mother!

Only she, is "Mother", right?

That's how most of us feel about our Mother.  There's only one of a kind in the whole wide world, and it's MY mother!

Mother's Day is an extra special day to honor such mothers and is intended to be joyous.  Nevertheless, some of us no longer have our Mom around.  In very recent years, like about a year and a half ago or so, I lost my Mom and since then several friends have had to go through the same painful experience of losing theirs.

Worst still if our Mom's have left us during this COVID-19 time where funerals are banned and so too, almost the burial!  "A non-event," a friend remarked.  That makes it all the more tragic.  At least some of us got to say a more "proper" good-bye before the "Stay-at-Home" sentence was conferred upon us.

Yes, the memories linger.  The impact of our Mother is a sweet fragrance scenting the air and remembrance of the relationship and person whom she was. No, we don't turn them into a goddess, but we still want to turn to her and feel her, and say, "Hey, do you know what?'.  Or, "guess what?"  Or, "Mom, what do you think of this, or you'll like this or that".  

But, hey, she's not there!

A mammoth vacuum and chasm has opened up and been left behind in her wake.

So, what can you do?

Who to turn to instead with your grief and tidings and questions?  Mom?  Oh no!  She's not there.  And your mind keeps on vaulting back and forth.

My  Mom would have turned to the Lord in prayer.  He's always there and you don't have to wait for a certain time of day to connect.  His ear is always open and attentive to our cry.

Godly mothers are treasures and the impact they've had on their offspring's life is priceless.  There is a saying by one Ron Lessin who postulates about the influence of one life;  he said the influence is like,

"... a series of ripples that broaden and reach across the water.."

Mom's life lived for Christ did leave behind an influence for good that did reach many lives over the years, and not just the lives of her own children. 

The best implant of my Mom's was to give me a love and respect for Jesus.  He was her best Friend and so became mine too.  

There were other facets of impact too such as always thinking the best of me (and others).  She was a good listener too.  

Now I realize.  

Now I realize how good a friend she was too.  No doubt we could all practically write a book about our Mom's.  Sure, they likely ticked us off now and again, but overall, they have been a blessed person in our lives.

May those of us who are mothers, pass on just such a legacy to our own children and grand-children and broaden our ripple effect wherever we go; being a Mother to the motherless to boot.  Let our future generations declare this epitaph, musing on our Mothers' most meaningful and monumental moments and memories of the far reaches of her mindful influence and impact.

It's an immense task to fill Mother's shoes but we mothers must carry that torch....

                                       HAPPY (sort of) MOTHER'S DAY 2020

                                                             ~ERC  2020~

P.S.  The image above is of the saying by Roy Lessin in its entirety and is entitled The Impact of One Life.

A Mother's Day Song by Bryant Oden

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