Friday, May 8, 2020

Continue to Praise

Eureka!  I've been hunting for just such a verse for a couple of years and have finally, "struck gold"!

Of course it's been there all along, nevertheless, it feels like a fresh revelation this morning.

Curious as to which verse?

Well, to satisfy that curiosity, here it is...

"Let this  be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the LORD..." (Psalm 102:18 NIV).

That latter part, "a people not yet created" or in the good ole KJV,

"...the people which shall be created, shall praise the LORD."

So, what's so earth-shattering about that?

A couple of years ago I learned that Mormans believe that "heaven is full of millions of spirits awaiting an earthly body" (link:  Childbearing and Childrearing Practices in Mormanism)  This belief explains why this religious group has among the highest birth rates in the USA, according to the article.  They dutifully procreate bodies for all those waiting spirits.

Then there are those others who believe in reincarnation as do those of the Hindu belief where when one dies and the spirit of a person or creature from the animal/insect/reptile sector, re-incarnates into another person/animal/insect/or reptile.  It could go either way up or down the chain of dominance to a higher or lower state of being.  This is dependent on one's behavior in the current life or sometimes even in a past life.

Similarly, the Buddhists, who prefer to use the term "rebirth," believe that the "mental continuum" of a particular lifespan of a person or one of the other of God's creatures (actually, they don't believe in God), will be imputed into another upon the instant of death of the living creature and the corresponding, instant of conception, of the next creature to reap the cululative experiences, knowledge of life, and  to reap the consequences of good/bad deeds of the predecessors and pre-possessors it had once inhabited.   (Please check out this link for further explanation on this topic from my Burning Quest series; Burning Quest Part 9.)

So saying, these spirits would be considered eternal and definitely not created or kept in a vault for spirits prior to having a body prepared for it, according to the respective beliefs mentioned.  There may be other varying degrees of beliefs on this topic which will not be discussed herein.

Can you see my excitement upon my finding Psalm 102:18?

"...a person not yet created..."

A person who is "brand new".

Hadn't been created, yet.

It's helpful to connect with Genesis 2:7 where we read about God breathing the "breath of life" into Adam.  It was at that point that Adam became a living creature.  This, after all the rest of creation had been created.

That was Adam's moment of beginning to live:  spirit, soul and body.  The three belonged to each other, never to have waited in a heavenly reserve, never to have been used before nor to to be used again by anyone else nor by any creature.  It was the "breath of God" breathed into him that gave Adam, and subsequently, the rest of us, our 'being-ness'.

Each individual person has their own, "freshly minted", so to speak, spirit, soul and body; compliments of God's divine supernatural power.

Without delving too much further into technicalities of the Truth, what was the purpose for which God would continue to create new generations of people?  According to David the Psalmist, it was so they could "praise the LORD".  One generation praises and then teaches the next generation.  There is overlap and continuance; thus the praises never cease.

This is paramount to David.  He enjoyed praising God and wanted others to have that joy too.

Shall we all "praise God from whom all blessing flow"?  Don't forget to teach your next generation.

Continue to praise Him.

                                                          ~ERC  April 2020~

Based on Psalm 102:18

Sing along, Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow,  as sung by The Martins

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