Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Prayer - Life In His Name

In John 1 we read of the Word which became flesh and dwelt among us and of beholding His glory, the glory of the only Begotten.  Through Him we have life and the light that shines through the darkness of the world and our own individual selves.  Through Jesus, the Word, who was made flesh; through Jesus we have grace and truth:  Jesus, the embodiment of grace and truth; light and life.  Through Him we get to know You, Father.

No one has seen Your face but we know You through Your son.  Thank-You for the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the New Testament of Your Holy Scriptures.  In them we are introduced to Your Son and to know Him, His attributes; His character; His love, especially the love that comes from You; and Your everlasting life; that, His/Your whole purpose that we read of in John 20:30-31.  To have such a relationship with Him is to know You as well.

The apostle John wrote,

"Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you might have life in His Name"  (ESV).

This "may have" doesn't mean that it's only a possibility, no, its a sure thing.  If there's any query or hesitation, it's on the part of us, human beings.  It's in our ball park now...Jesus has laid everything out on the table for us.  The offer's still good.  It's up to us to take it.  If we do, then we have these things.

You've done Your part Father.  Jesus has done His.  Now we have to take hold and accept.  Your strongest, strongest desire and wish is for us to indeed to believe in Your Son Jesus Christ.  This, so we can have life in the Name of Jesus.

My prayer is, Father, that any who read Your Word, the Holy Scriptures which You have given to us, that they too, will believe in Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ and have life in His Name.

I ask all this in Your Son Jesus' Name.


                                                           ~ERC  May 2020~
                                            Originally prayed February 2020

Prayer based on John 20:30-31

Sing, Christ is the World's Light as presented by TheNCrew

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