Sunday, May 10, 2020

Prayer - Lord Build the House

Father, I know that whatever we do, whatever we try to do, we need to do it with Your help and strength because unless You are on board with us, or rather, we are on board, with You, the house will not get built and all our work will be in vain.  Why?  It's because we would be doing it in our own strength.

People who are watching out for us; the watchmen, those who pray for us will also be praying in vain; so to speak.  Father, we do not want that, prayers, that are in vain nor work that we think we're doing for You, to be in vain.  Lord help us to remember to go in Your strength, Your help.  Lead, guide and direct us as we seek Your grace to do what is right in Your eyes.

Lord, even those who go out to work, the breadwinners of families or of themselves, as they are at the job, engaging in their career, that they would do so for Your glory and honor.  May they not become workaholics, by the way they work.  May their attitudes, character and integrity on the job be in and of itself , a witness for You.

May these, Your children, have spent time with You, showing they are truly Your followers, and of Jesus Christ.  In consequence, as they work, their work will not be in vain.

May they not be toiling only for the sake of the money, yes, money is important, but working not from the impetus of greed, or promotion, but Father to be working for Your glory and honor.  They'll be working even among their colleagues or their staff.  They'll be working to gain treasure for You.

In so doing, Lord, You give Your people sleep.  You grant them sleep to those You love.  So Father, may we be aware that we do not become so engrossed in an all time-consuming manner, getting up so early and toiling into the night, so late that we neglect our sleep.  When we neglect our sleep we can become sick, have attitudes and reactions that do NOT glorify You.  Impatience.  Anger.  Words that are not guarded, especially after having asked You to set a watch over our lips and mouths.  How then, when we are tired, exhausted from our labor, how then can we partner with You to guard our lips and mouths?

You grant us sleep.  May we claim that grant and get the benefit of it, and sleep.

Father, we thank You for our children.  You say,

"...sons are a heritage from you, children are a reward."

Quite often we may believe that children are not the reward we had wanted.  Yet, You have given many of us children.  Help us to see that it is in love, You have given us our children.  Especially when they reach the terrible two's or the tempestuous teenage years.  Human nature is the same wherever we go and in every person that needs to be tamed by You.  Lord, help us to see our children as precious cuz they are so in Your sight.

We too, are Your children.  You are gracious and merciful to us.  Help us, in turn to be gracious and merciful to our sons and daughters.  

Lord, as we ourselves have spiritual children, rewards, and inheritance also for You.  As we gain this treasure for You in Heaven, You give us these rewards.  How gracious of You.  What a loving, caring, encouraging, and compassionate God You are!   Thank-you!

May we too watch out for our spiritual children as we do for our biological ones.  As we train our children to be like Your own, in the hands of a "warrior," may their aim be true.

Yes, as parents we often fail.  We get it wrong, because when the baby is born, there is no instruction manual included; expect for Your Holy Bible, if we would only turn to Your words, we could find wisdom.  If we don't then we can ask for it.  you will give it.  

Help us to train our children in the mighty ways of God.  in Your ways, Father and may they be strong and true for You.  When we release these "arrows" into the world, may they, in turn, make their arrows be true for You.

You say,

"Blessed is the one who has their quiver full."

Heavenly Father in this past couple of generations people have not wanted to have many children.  They see them as a burden, such a responsibility:  financial, physical, emotionally, etc.  Yet, Lord, change that mindset.  Yes, money's important.  We must look after our children well.  However Lord, You said You would supply our needs.  Supply them.  Prove Yourself to the faint of heart but stretch our faith too.

When we see that many of Your children have many of their own biological children, foster children and/or have even adopted some; their quivers are very full Lord.  There are stories of 10, 20, even 40 children!  This is a huge blessing and reward and inheritance!

Society balks at this and gets very suspicious as to what the couple is doing with so many children?!  What are they trying to do?!

Nevertheless, Lord, may Your people who have so many children, who indeed have quivers filled with little ones, may they ever rely on you in faith, in hope and with Your great depths and heights of wisdom, to bring up these children in Your wisdom and admonition.

Shine the love of Jesus upon these young ones, so they "in turn, will be able to show that same love of God to others, especially as they grow up and have families and lives of their own.

Bless parents, Father, bless them.  It's not an easy task!  It's not easy to raise a child, and its certainly NOT a job for sissies.  This is not just about the financial side of it.  It includes the emotional toll, the spiritual and mental sides.  When the children are young it's a lot of physical work; physically exhausting.  Then as they shoot up in age, older and more able to reason, embarking into the teenage years, its quite the mental exercise of calisthenics, keeping abreast of our offspring and the age they live in.

We know You had a time of it with the children of Israel and can understand all our emotions that often fluctuate between frustration, anger and then the times that bring hope and joy.  Father, we can only turn to You for wisdom and strength for our fixed hope is in You.  Let us not be put to shame, let not parents nor their children be put to shame especially when they go up against the enemy Satan and his minions.

Satan messed up Adam and Eve but You have used Your redeeming grace to rectify that havoc wrought by him.  Yet, he still persists and loves to rip families apart; family that is the nucleus of society, that family unit, that Satan tries his best to destroy.  However, Father, You set people in families (Psalm 68:6).  

You set Adam and Eve, in a family of their own and asked them to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28).  Similarly, may there be many more "Adam's and Eve's" coming together and obeying just such  a commandment.  Take away their fears, focus their hearts and minds upon You.  May they lean upon You and Your resources.

Add wisdom to bring their children up to fear You; the One True God and Your Son Jesus Christ.  May they come to salvation through Jesus Christ.  Continue to build Your House, Father God.

"May our sons in their youth be like plants full grown, our daughters like corner pillars cut for the structure of a palace..." (Psalm 144:12 ESV).

I ask all this in the name of Jesus and by the power of His blood.

                                                           ~ERC  May 2020~
                                                 Originally prayed 24 April 2020

Prayer based on Psalm 127 and 144:12

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