Sunday, May 31, 2020

Lepers and Faith

Leprosy, what a dreaded skin disease that has been!  From Bible times, all down through the ages since, up until about the 1980's when reconstructive treatment and medications became more efficacious and readily available, leprosy has been feared.

In Leviticus 14:1-9 we read of the many laws regulating such skin diseases and how anyone with questionable skin eruptions must go to the priests at the tabernacle or temple.  The priests must determine if it was an infectious disease, or not.

If it was, then said person must social distance him/herself  "outside the city walls".

When a leper saw "well" people, even at a distance, they were supposed to shout out, "Unclean!  Unclean!"  On top of that, they would often look rather grotesque because of tissue that had been injured and had never healed properly, rotted off or had been bitten off by rats, for example.

Incidentally, it was discovered that leprosy didn't attack the body's flesh which was originally thought, rather, the nerves were affected and therefore, without the feeling of pain, the individual leper would not be aware that he/she was harming themselves or being harmed by someone/something else.

Indeed, one Philip Yancey and Dr. Paul W. Brand, co-authored a book entitled, Pain:  The Gift Nobody Wants.  That title says it all.  If you were a leper, you would rather want to have the pain "gift".    I believe I must have also learned about one of the simple "remedies" for protection from having the flesh nibbled at from this book.  That is, each leper should have a cat!  The blind often have seeing-eye-dogs, why not the lepers have keep-away-the-rats cats?  Simple, yet effective while the leper slept.

By-the-way, Dr. Brand lived in India and worked among lepers, medically, for many of his adult years, so he knew much about these people and pioneered much of the successful treatment and medications to help those who suffer from leprosy.

Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem one day and was met by ten lepers (Luke 17:11-19). 

"They stood at a distance, and shouted, "Jesus!  Master!  Have mercy on us"  (ESV)

Isn't that interesting that they only pled for "mercy" or "pity"!?  They hadn't asked for healing!


From the time of Moses in the Old Testament until Jesus' day, thousands of years later, NOT a single soul had been healed from leprosy!  No one, that is, except for Naaman the big macho commander of the Syrian army.  So I guess, the ten lepers didn't have "healing" on the brain; it would have been inconceivable to them.

Look at 2 Kings 5:1 (ESV), which relates the story of Naaman.  Of this mighty man of valor, it says,

"...but he was a leper."

He had won great victories in battle but not his battle against his body.

What a death sentence to be pronounced upon a person.  "Sorry, you've got leprosy."  Sounds like a curse.

Yet there was hope.  Hope in the form of the faith of a "little girl from the land of Israel" (vs 2).  She had been a "trophy" of the recently won war Naaman had affected for his king of Aram.  This "little girl" must not have had vindictiveness and vengeance on her mind.  She didn't think that she'd just let Naaman suffer as punishment for his capturing her and making her a slave.

Her focus, rather, was on God.  She must have had great faith in God; well-taught by her parents.  She must have hid the compendium of Israel's history in her heart, told to her from her father and mother's knees; so many stories of miracles, God's dealings with the children of Israel exacerbating their rescue from Egypt, the journey through the wilderness and all that transpired and then His help in bringing them into the Promised Land and beyond.  One of the family's of faith in their Almighty God.

Keep in mind, however, NO ONE had as yet been healed from leprosy since Moses' time til the couple of hundred years later to her time.  What was she thinking?

Of course, the Lord did say in Luke 17:6,

"...if you had faith as big as a mustard seed..."

Mustard seeds aren't so big.  In fact, they are the smallest of seeds.

Just think how powerful, even that wee bit of faith must be!  Look at the continuing story...that little girl of faith did not see "no one yet cured", as an obstacle to Naaman's healing.  Her God, was Almighty God and could do it.  He could heal.  The God of Israel rewarded her faith and Naaman was healed.

He, of course, had his responsibility towards his own healing as well.  He had to be obedient to Elisha's instructions.  He had to overcome his pride.  He had to "obey" that Israelite who was now from a vassal state of Syria.  He did, eventually swallow his pride, bite the bullet and dip himself seven times, per prescription, in the Jordan River; albeit at his servants' urging.

Naaman, "manned up" to it and what was his flesh like after the seventh dip?  The ESV describes it as being,

"...restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean" (vs 14).

How merciful and kind God was to Naaman.  How God vindicated and acted upon the faith of a "little girl".  Not only was Naaman made well, and not only was the flesh restored, but it had become like a young child's flesh.  Give God and inch, and He takes a mile!

What mercy or pity did Jesus show towards the ten lepers?  Indeed, what exactly were they expecting Jesus to do for them?  Jesus pulled out all the stops, and like Elisha did for Naaman, gave an instruction.  No waving of hand over the "spots"; no special words to affect a healing, no touch.  No, He spoke and made the lepers engage in their faith journey. 

"Go and show yourselves to the priests" (Luke 17:14 ESV).

"Ah, Jesus, didn't You forget a step?"

According to the Old Testament, the person is supposed to be healed first, then go show themselves to the priest.

The ten lepers didn't bat an eye it seems, and so set out towards the Temple and priests.  Oh joyful day!

"As they went they were cleansed" (Luke 17: 14 ESV).

That makes my heart palpitate faster.  Did you get goosebumps on your arms?  What a miracle!  Ten out of ten must have had the faith to take the steps on the path to the Temple.  Ten out of ten lepers were healed.  One out of ten turned back and praised God,

"...with a loud voice."

See what else he did,

"...he fell on his face at Jesus' feet, giving Him praise" (vs 16).

Run through that again:  all had faith; all were healed, one came back and gave thanks and adoration to Jesus.

Let us always be the one to praise and thank our Heavenly Father for all He has done, and still does for us.  Turn back to Him in joyful thanksgiving.

Why does Luke go out of his way to tell us that one leper,

"...was a Samaritan"  (Luke 17:16)?

Given the prejudice and bad feeling that was rampant between Jews and Samaritans at that time, you'd think that notation would stir up more unpleasantness.  I'm sure I don't really know, as Luke didn't say.  However, his being a Jew, likely that fact stuck out like a sore thumb to his observant self, that is, assuming the other nine were of Jewish descent.

I query, that in very practical terms, would a Jewish priest be willing to examine a Samaritan?  He likely figured that, no, he wouldn't.   However, what I'd really like to make note of is that perhaps this Samaritan saw Jesus as his priest.  Was it an acknowledgment that Jesus was the true Priest?  We, at least, can see it thus. 

Another facet on this, God sent His Son Jesus for the "whosoever" of the world (John 3:16) and God's grace and mercy extend to all peoples of all nations, tribes, and kingdoms of Earth.  He turns none away who come to Him in repentance and faith.

The disciples in Jesus' day were really trying to get their heads around this idea and it wasn't really until the coming of the Holy Spirit indwelling them, and Peter having his visions of clean vs unclean food up there on the rooftop, that they could grasp this concept better (see book of Acts).

In closing, let's remember to give thanks and praise to God our Healer.  Let's have right hearts towards God and bring about FULL restoration, saved souls and sound bodies.  In both the cases:  Naaman, and of the lepers, it remarks that they were "cleansed".  I see this as being thoroughly clean; scrubbed squeaky clean sort of idea.  God does not do half measures.  Naaman's flesh was restored and made like a child's skin.  I believe that when the ten lepers were cleansed and healed, that any of their missing parts were restored like new.

Did you take note of Luke 17:6?

"Faith as big as a mustard seed?"

This amount of faith was capable of moving a mulberry tree, pulling it up by its roots and planting it in the sea.  


Mulberry trees are known for their tenaciousness.  The roots adhere to the ground as if their life depended on it (which it does, ha).  Furthermore, its very difficult to kill a mulberry tree.  You can think you've got it chopped down but up it will sprout almost like Jack-and-the-Beanstalk's magic bean seeds.

By the way, I've learned there's a mulberry tree in Jericho that's 2000 years old!  Go ahead and check that fact out! 

Can you see the magnitude of what Jesus was saying and the impact on His hearers?

Read Luke 17:6 again.  Something so infinitesimal could accomplish what seemed impossible.  Put your faith, no matter how minuscule you think it is, in Jesus, He'll do wonderful things for you, so that His purposes will be accomplished in you and for you and for His kingdom.

Take a time out and praise Him for all He has done for you.  Praise and adore Him.  May your faith grow.

Learn from the lepers.

                                                        ~ERC  May 2020~

Based on Luke 17:11-9

Find a mustard seed, tape it into your journal as a reminder you'll be able to do big, seemingly impossible things for God even with "small" faith.

BTW, leprosy is also know as Hansen's Disease.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

U - Turn Tree

Can you see that tree?  Maybe you can enlarge the picture so you can see it better.  Note how the branch branches out to the left and up, like a u-turn.  The straight trunk had been lobbed off and so the tree thought...hmmm...this will not do, and so it made a u-turn branch that ran up and made the tree into a rather lofty and noteworthy tree.  It certainly hooked my attention and I just had to get a closer goggle at, and  a snapshot of, it.

It reminded me that life often sends us curve balls and it feels like something got amputated. (No offense or disrespect to those who have had this happen to them, literally.  I can only imagine it and that it would not be a very pleasant thing to happen.  A total shock to the system, I would say.)

An abrupt end to something.  

An end to something you thought was going great.

And you can't understand it.  You are confused and devastated by it.


The tree in the picture sends me a message of new life and hope.  That a person can strive to overcome the odds through patience and perseverance, and yes, I'm going to say, mighty, big dose of trust in our Heavenly Father.

He's our Maker and what happens to us matters to Him.  Knowing He cares is a huge comfort to the heart, soul, and mind which in turn can ignite the will  power, that determination, to branch out and up to new heights of flourishing.

When life presents its challenges, think of the u-turn tree.

                                                        ~ERC  May 2020~

Sing along with George Beverly Shay and Guy Penrod Does Jesus Care?

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Prayer - Life In His Name

In John 1 we read of the Word which became flesh and dwelt among us and of beholding His glory, the glory of the only Begotten.  Through Him we have life and the light that shines through the darkness of the world and our own individual selves.  Through Jesus, the Word, who was made flesh; through Jesus we have grace and truth:  Jesus, the embodiment of grace and truth; light and life.  Through Him we get to know You, Father.

No one has seen Your face but we know You through Your son.  Thank-You for the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the New Testament of Your Holy Scriptures.  In them we are introduced to Your Son and to know Him, His attributes; His character; His love, especially the love that comes from You; and Your everlasting life; that, His/Your whole purpose that we read of in John 20:30-31.  To have such a relationship with Him is to know You as well.

The apostle John wrote,

"Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you might have life in His Name"  (ESV).

This "may have" doesn't mean that it's only a possibility, no, its a sure thing.  If there's any query or hesitation, it's on the part of us, human beings.  It's in our ball park now...Jesus has laid everything out on the table for us.  The offer's still good.  It's up to us to take it.  If we do, then we have these things.

You've done Your part Father.  Jesus has done His.  Now we have to take hold and accept.  Your strongest, strongest desire and wish is for us to indeed to believe in Your Son Jesus Christ.  This, so we can have life in the Name of Jesus.

My prayer is, Father, that any who read Your Word, the Holy Scriptures which You have given to us, that they too, will believe in Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ and have life in His Name.

I ask all this in Your Son Jesus' Name.


                                                           ~ERC  May 2020~
                                            Originally prayed February 2020

Prayer based on John 20:30-31

Sing, Christ is the World's Light as presented by TheNCrew

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - Bow Down in Worship

Father, as I read and pray through the Psalms, I feel the joy of the LORD in Your being the Rock of my salvation.  You are there, solid--Someone we can lean upon.  I feel that joy that I and all your followers, can come before You in thanksgiving, with music and in song.  You are great!

Father, on LORD's DAY when we come to bow down and worship, to kneel before You, the LORD our Maker, the Lord the Provider of our salvation, we praise and thank Jesus for what He has done for us by going to the cross.  The cross where He took the punishment for all our sins and gave us everlasting life.  

We have become your people, your children, "the sheep of Your pasture".  You are our great and good Shepherd, LORD, King and Maker, our Savior, Redeemer, the One Who atoned for our souls, and the list could go on.  Through this work, we have been made righteous in Your sight.  We are Your Children, You our Father and we can call You that endearing name, "Abba Father".

We delight in You and being in communion with You, in Your presence at home in our closets and also together with the congregation of Your chosen people, the Church, whether in two's or three's or even hundreds more.

Thank-You, that You do not reject us because, like in Old Testament times, the righteous people then were always afraid of losing You, Your Spirit and Your blessing.  We do know though, that we can never lose "everlasting life" nor the gift of Your Holy Spirit's indwelling.  We can lose our joy of the Lord if we turn our backs on You.  A relationship gone off.  At those times help us not to harden our hearts against You but that we will trust You when we are being tested, when we have our trials, troubles and distresses in our lives.  Father, preserve us from such a thing as turning our backs on You.

The children of Israel, for forty years, grumbled and went on and on.  Let us not be like that.  Let us keep short accounts with You of our lives, and what we do so we may listen to Your Holy Spirit's guidance and convictions.  May we make our confessions to You and receive Your forgiveness and purification that we will continue to move along in the process of sanctification.  

Like Chuck Swindol wrote in his little book Intimacy with the Almighty

"Noise and words and frenzied, hectic schedules dull our senses, closing our ears to His (meaning Yours), still small voice and making us numb to His touch."

You have helped us be quarantined by COVID-19, to teach and remedy all that.  To take the time out to work on our relationship with You.  Locked down in our homes with more time on our hands, people of God,  let us not busy ourselves so much even then but turn our hearts to You, Abba Father.

Oh Lord, we know that we will enter into our rest because of our everlasting life.  That is sure.  We can be safe.  We can be sure.  We can be happy in this knowledge of You and be truly, one hundred percent attentive to You.  And so we bow down in worship, and partake of the bread and drink of the cup of remembrance of what Your Son Jesus Christ's work has done for us, as we pass them one to another.

I thank-You and praise You and bow down before You, my God and Savior.

I give You praise Father God, in Jesus' Name.

                                                     ~ERC  February 2020~
                                                        (originally prayed)

Prayer based on Psalm 95.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

King of Kings

History always speaks "from the grave," as it were, and we can learn much from it.

 Recently I've been reading about the ancient civilizations of India, China and Southeast Asia (SEA).  They had many kings and emperors and feudal lords each vying to be the king of kings.   One king would try to gain control over other kings and get more power and territory for themselves.

 In addition to that, to keep tighter control even in outlying areas, they thought of themselves as divine and/or the priest of gods and it was only through them that the people could connect to those gods.  They also demanded tribute to be paid to them and a showing of respect bordering on worship, seeing as the 'god' aspect was in there.  The people were duped and believed it, often terrified of the results of disobedience.  That kept a lot of the rebellions and uprisings at bay.

Well they have done all that without thinking Who  the real King of kings is!  He is the One who rules over all, as the verse says.  So we too can learn who is in control even now in this COVID-19 time.  He knows the difficulties we go through and everything.  It is comforting to know He is there, He is in control, He is perfect and will not harm us.

He is also merciful, loving, kind, good and full of grace.  

He is also the One to reign, come The Millennium.  People then will bring their gifts and offerings from far and wide and the wealth of the nations will come pouring in (Isaiah 60:11).  This my brother was reminding me of just today.

As 1 Timothy 6:14-15 (NIV) reveal,

14 to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 which God will bring about in his own time—God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords,

 He is our Heavenly Father, God and His Son Jesus is our Savior and may we all be found faithful and obedient to Him.  This not because we are "forced" to, terrified of consequences if we don't, but out of a heart of gratitude for the One Supreme King above all kings, who gave His all for us.  What better way than to let Him rule our hearts.

Praise be to His Holy Name.

                                                        ~ERC  May 2020~

Sing, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Don Moen

He Shall Reign Over All the Earth by Hymnal

Monday, May 18, 2020

Prayer - Praise to Sovereign God

Oh God, You are my God.  You are the God who saves.  Sovereign LORD, from you comes escape from death.  For David, who wrote this Psalm 68, who wanted to sing to You of Your majestic power and strength, singing because of Your wisdom and salvation for him.  David was so often on the run from those who would want to take his life.  Therefore, he recalls how You helped him escape from death, many times over.  Even after he became king in his own right, there were still those who had a price on his head, wanting to bring him down.

Yet, sing David did.  He sang to You of Your majestic power and strength and of your wisdom and salvation.  For him, he sang often of how you rescued him but remembered too that promise You made to him to establish his throne forever.  In turn, he seeks to sing praise to You, he extols You, the One who rides on the clouds.

Thinking of Your clouds.  It's fun to watch them race across the sky on a windy day.  However, on a bright beautiful, sunny day, with a bright blue sky above and puffy clouds forming all kinds of shapes, they are also so very interesting to see.  You make beauty all around us in Your creation.  These verses say You "ride the clouds", as if some sort of magic carpet.  Or, I picture it as if You are water-skiing, only using the clouds as your skis.  Then you race across the skies to do Your work.

When you ascended on high, You led captives in Your train.  Lord, this is another picture we get from David.  He went up to conquer many parts of the land.  He set his foot in different places to gain the inheritance of Your Promised Land for the people of Israel.  He had victory follow upon the heels of victory after victory.  So he could bring many captives back to his nation with him; part of the bounty of "winning" a war.

Father, when Your Son Jesus came to this earth, He won the war against Satan.  He defeated Satan, He got victory over Satan.  In consequence, when we come to You through the salvation that Jesus earned for us, we are like His captives and we will be coming to up with Him.

I know we belong to You, servants of God Most High, Sovereign LORD.  Praise be to Your Name, Father.  Praise be to the Lord, God our Savior who daily bears our burdens.

Father we often have so many complaints like David enumerated in Psalm 38.  However, here in Psalm 68 he is singing Your praises of Your deliverance and help, how the earth shook and the Heavens poured down rain before You, the One of Sinai, that one where Your presence came down and Moses and Aaron and some of the other elders of Israel, symbolic of their first major encounter where You handed down the way in which you wanted Your people to live, and to relate with you, in holiness, blamelessness and righteousness.

So David talks much about mountains in this Psalm.  He gazes with envy at the rugged mountains, the mountains where You chose to reign.  

Mountains reach high elevations as everyone knows, and they are majestic and we think even now of the mountains around the world, of Mount Kinabalu in Sabah, Malaysia (the highest in the region).  Every morning You paint a different sort of picture with this mountain and the sun rise backdrop, filtering through and playing peek-a-boo with wispy clouds, arranging themselves at Your bidding into vying carousels of figures, giving each morning a new stunning splendor.  Then we see another new creation of Your creation, yet another tableau for which to praise you.  

Then there's the other mountains that most people know:  Mt. Fuji of Japan, seen on postcards and known world wide, for one.  Next, there's Mt. Everest, the tallest in the world on which men challenge themselves:  man vs mt, with great trepidation on each expedition; such adventures to reach the peak.

When up there on "top of the world", they "look down on Your creation" (although they may not acknowledge Your hand in it at all).  Oh Lord, how majestic and mighty and wonderful it must be to be up there to see so much of Your world, of Your creation.  Breathtaking, in more than one sense.

Father, the ones I wouldn't mind seeing are the Swiss Alps.  I've never seen them in person, only have heard how wonderful they are said to be.  In addition, I look forward to someday seeing Your mountains which are set around about Jerusalem.

Might.  Power.  Protection.  Lord from these we can get a glimpse of Your Almightiness. 

No wonder all people can do is sing about it.  Sing praise to You.  That praise of  You, in and of itself is protection against our enemies.  We learned that in Psalm 8 "out of the mouth of babes", even, Father , "You can perfect praise".  This forms a cocoon against the enemies and the wiles of the devil.

The devil always wants to bring us down, "to steal and to kill and to destroy" (John 10:10) in one way or another.  However, You, Father, will bring us life and help us escape from death, from everlasting "living" death in Hell.

We know that when our earthly bodies die we are not confined to the grave; the end, dead end.  No.  Our spirit and soul go to be "with Christ" (Philippians 1:23).  Those of us who are followers of Jesus Christ, that is.  Those of us who are Your children!  We praise You, glad Death cannot keep us captive anymore.  One day we will claim Your promise of everlasting life and to be in Heaven with You.

Father, we think of what David says here, that kings will bring gifts to You in Jerusalem.  We think back into History even among the Chinese, those who left the Tower of Babel, at that time You  confused the language, that You wrought among the children of men and the group whom we now call Chinese.  They went off to what is now known as China or back when, "The Middle Kingdom" but Lord, You preserved for thousands of years, the knowledge of the one they call "Shang Di".  That's You.  The Supreme Leader, God, Heavenly Being, the One who blesses and they worshiped You for all those 1000's of years.

Even the Middle Kingdom emperors throughout those millenniums,  offered up a yearly sacrifice to You and to You alone.  They did have knowledge of You and symbolically they did bring "gifts" to You in Your temple in Jerusalem by such offerings.

In King Solomon's time, his name was so greatly renowned, other great people came and brought tribute.  The notable one being the Queen of Sheba.  She brought a whole "train" of goods and beasts for him all the way from Ethiopia (1 Kings 10:1-13).

In the early years of our Lord, sacrifices were brought to Him, the Son of God.  Gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh from wise men from afar (Matthew 2:11).

When David penned these words, he must have experienced such too.  There were no doubt kings subject to him after all his conquering feats.  Father, I pray, I ask that there will be "kings" that still bring gifts to You and offer that sacrifice of praise to You, the all knowing Sovereign, bowing in obeisance, on their knees before You the King of kings.  May they bow humbly before You in Your presence, bringing their gifts of praise, time energy, money, possessions to You.  This is reciprocation for giving us the ONE true gift, the gift of Your only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ and the salvation wrought through Him.

May we bow in humble adoration, thanksgiving and gratitude, blessing and praising Your Name to the end of our days on this globe called Earth.

Let us sing to God, all kingdoms of the Earth, sing praise to God.  May these people who think of themselves as "kings"--leaders, diplomats, rulers of nations; those representatives at the UN, sing praise to You, oh Father God.

There actually aren't too many actual kings left in this world, perhaps the Sultanates of Brunei and Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom of Thailand, but Lord, in many countries, that are "kings" so to speak--the leaders of the countries.  May they bow before You and sing praise to You proclaiming Your power and authority in their lives, oh God; Your majesty is over Israel and Your power is in the skies.  

Indeed, Sovereign Lord, at this time of COVID-19, this leaders are feeling the grip of Your power.  They wield and extend their scepters, rather helplessly these days.  They want to be in control but have to realize You are and have been. 

You reign.

You are indeed an awesome power and strength, oh God.  You give power and strength and authority to whom You will and to Your people; not just to the people of Israel but to Your redeemed children whom You've chosen out of every tribe, people, kingdom and nation under heaven.  These You call "Your children" because they have made Your Son Jesus, the Savior of their lives.

Praise be to You, Heavenly Father, Sovereign God and King over all the earth.  To You we give praise.  You reign for ever and ever, oh Sovereign King.

In Jesus' most precious name, we praise You.

                                                        ~ERC  May 2020~
                                                    First prayed 8 Feb 2020

Prayer based on Psalm 68

Our God Reigns

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Lord's Day Devotional - Devotional Prayer - Word Became Flesh

Heavenly Father, You were there in the beginning because You are the Creator God.  The Word was there too, cuz "the Word was with God and the Word was God" so we now we can trace our humanity all the way back to the beginning where You started it all for us; actually, for You.  For You too have fellowship with Your created beings and so that they may give you glory.

We know and believe that all things were made,

 " you and without You nothing has been made..."  (John 1:1-3)

and that our life, our very life, comes from You; our Light.  Whatever Light we may have, is given by You.  The dark and the light that You have shines in the darkness even though the darkness doesn't understand it.  Therefore, You had to send Jesus to help explain it all to us human beings.  

You sent a man first though, John, to prepare the way for Jesus.  He came as a witness concerning that Light; the Light that would shine out to all mankind.  This in hopes that some of us might believe; that the Light would penetrate into our minds and our hearts.  In consequence, so we could understand about the true Light that comes from You, oh Father God.

This is available to every single person.  Jesus, the "Light of the World" is coming, proclaimed John.  He's coming to help us climb and claw our way out of the darkness.  Some of us human beings get into deep, deep darkness, but we praise You Father, Your Light can shine even there.

We know that Your Son Jesus,

 "...was in the world but He was not of the world" (John 1:910)

 Even though, Jesus, the Word, was there with You creating the world, the world did not recognize Him, their Maker.  We couldn't recognize our own Maker!

So, there were people, who did not receive Him.  Yet there was and still is, that group who have and will receive Him and believe in His precious Name, the name of Jesus Christ.  Due to this, we become Your children (John 1:12).

Heavenly Father, You are such a good, loving Maker.  You want to make a connection with us, want to commune with us!  Therefore, You've called us your "children". 

We have been born of God!

Born of God!

I know, Father, this does NOT make us divine.  Doesn't make us gods but it gives us Your Holy Spirit which we learn from the book of Acts and chapter 2.  He aids us in becoming more Christ-like in our actions, attitudes and character, and to generate more compassion, kindness, gentleness and goodness; all the fruit of Your Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22).

In Jesus, the One and Only who comes from You Father, is abundant grace and truth.  Grace and Truth came into this world of darkness, of no grace and mercy, together with this Light, shining in brilliance.  Your Word became flesh and dwelt among us so we could behold Your glory; the glory of the one true God.

We can now experience Your grace and truth firsthand.  

Thank-You for the faithfulness of Your servant John the Baptizer who cried out about your coming; of Your greatness and the need of the peoples' repentance.  He proclaimed of Your grace  that when we have already received one blessing after another.

We know Your laws that You gave to Moses to give to the children of Israel were good laws.  However, those laws glaringly showed up our flaws.  So when Jesus came with His grace and truth we get an inkling of that for our own life.  Jesus in His perfection of love, grace and truth, lends us a hand in comprehending a little of Your bigness, of Your Sovereignty and of Your Holiness.  Over all that, Your love enveloped us and proved to mankind how You felt about your human creatures, and so You sent Your One and Only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

I know that we have never actually seen You, Father God, but when we have seen Jesus Christ, Who is at Your side, then we know what You are like too.

I praise You for this and as we remember the Lord Jesus Christ, in His death, and the work He accomplished on the cross for the saving of our souls, flooding our hearts with His Light; and His resurrection.  We know we have a LIVING  GOD who is very, very interested in us and shows us grace and truth.  Help us to remember to praise You, adore You, to worship You.  

We partake then of the bread, and drink of the cup of wine, those symbols of Jesus' broken body and blood shed for the remission of our sins; of Your Light inundating our souls and hearts dispelling the darkness for ever; the indwelling of Your Holy Spirit, guaranteeing and securing our relationship with You,  making us Your children.  We give thanks with gratitude, for all You have done for us, in Jesus' Name.

                                                       ~ERC  May 2020~

Prayer based on John 1:1-18 NIV

The Word Became Flesh, Colin Buchanan

Friday, May 15, 2020

Prayer - Keep Your Oath

"You can cry.  You can scream, but you can't give up."

Saw that adage on a friend's facebook post.  

Then this morning (15 April 2020) I read Psalm 15 and when I hit verse 4,  I wanted to scream and some more.  The second part of the verse exhorts,

"...who keeps an oath even when it hurts..." (NIV)

That is one aspect that characterizes a person whose,

 "...walk is blameless" (Psalm 15:2 NIV)

Relationships, especially marital ones, will surely test your meddle and especially that wedding oath!

Many a time there will be other sorts of oaths uttered when the wedding oath is stretched beyond endurance.

Have you ever observed married couples looking placid and please with each other in public, only to find out they're paddling like mad "under the water" like a duck, in private?

It can be taxing for sure.  

Yet do you really mean those wedding vows said in the pathos of passion on nuptial day?

Maybe you've lost the passion due to abuse:  physical and/or emotional, or had the devastation upon learning your spouse has been unfaithful.  I have nothing to say on  that latter one, when we talk about not giving up.

Forgiveness seems like a bad joke.

You've been slapped in the face with betrayal and someone tells you to forgive?!  I cannot begin think of what to say to such a person wounded in such a manner.


"Don't give up!"

Those likely sound like mockery to someone who has kept their side of the oath.  

I'd highly respect the person who could humbly forgive though.  Who could continue in that marital alliance if the betrayer had mended his/her ways.  There is such a thing as repentance; one cannot rule that out of the equation.  It may take years to rebuild trust.  There may be slips.  Can the faithful one stand up under that?

Yet marriages do break up.  Sad, but true.  Perhaps the injured party has forgiven and kept as steady as possible, clinging onto Christ their Savior who will never leave them nor forsake them.

Years and years go by and they have not given up on Jesus.  Likely they've cried buckets and screamed a lot.  Nevertheless Jesus has gentled them and been their Savior and Comforter in more than one way.  They have been blameless in God's sight.  They have been shaken but not beyond the nth degree shake.

The effects of physical abuse can often be seen.  The emotional toll and abuse effects unseen indirectly but eventually may be seen directly in the person's health or manners or actions.  Perhaps the person becomes cowed; made to feel like nothing more than a piece of dirt, kicked and shoved around by someone who supposedly, loves them!?

Wouldn't you want to give up?!

If he/she is a person who believes in keeping a promise, they'd be hard put to keep the wedding one.  People stay in such relationships, for a variety of reasons.  If, however, the person's and/or their children's lives are in danger, getting away is not equal to giving up.  Protect yourself.

Emotional and verbal abuse are silent killers of ardor and any decent relationship.  When a spouse is "hacked at", constantly spoken to in harsh manner or as if one is a child, but is supposedly the equal in a relationship, well, wouldn't there be crying and screaming and a giant wanting to "give up"?  I should think there would be.

If you were constantly bombarded with negative speak, spoken to in a "more superior than thou" attitude, how would you feel?

Would you feel like "forgiving"?

Would you feel like "never giving up"?

Who can abide such rot?

Yet, those of us who belong to Jesus Christ are asked to forgive.  What did Jesus tell the disciples...til 70 x 7? ! 

Have you used up all the forgiveness credits yet?

But who's counting?

What would Jesus do?  Wow!?  Another psychological punt.

Guilt trip.

Which way can we turn?  Let the Holy Spirit minister to your poor torn hearts, souls, minds.  Seriously, we who belong to Christ do know what we should do.

If we do not let ourselves become irreparably shaken we will hang on to Jesus for dear life.  Let Him renew our minds, souls, and hearts.  Know that HE LOVES US to the core.  Let His presence surround you, envelop you.  You are of great worth to Him.  Tell Him your troubles.  Ask Him how to overcome.  Honor and fear the LORD.  He may not get you out of your personal predicament and persecution but He's there beside you, helping you to overcome your anger, your helplessness and to strive to keep your oath, like it or not.

He will cast no slur on you.  He does not despise you.  He keeps His oath to you.  He'll speak truth to your heart.  He is the faithful, righteous, blameless One.

Think on that!

It will help a body to "keep on, keeping on."

"Oh Father God, so many hearts are downcast, sore, feeling unloved, unwanted by the spouse who is supposed to be the one to love, honor and cherish them until death do them part.  Yes, many have been betrayed in their marriage relationships, even so-called, Christian ones, that are supposed to be examples of Your Son Christ and the Church!

This only goes to show, dear Father, that we must fix our total faith, hope and trust in You.  We change, You never do.  You never fail.  Thank-You for that!

You are the same yesterday and today and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8).

Father, I pray for those whose marriages have been broken and are beyond repair.  Only You could fix them but we know that many are not.  Comfort the one who has been injured to their foundations.  May they make their hope in You.

May we trust and cling to You so we will not be shaken beyond capacity while trying to keep our oaths even when it hurts.

In Jesus' Name, 


                                                        ~ERC  May 2020~
                                             (originally prayed 15 April 2020)

Based on Psalm 15 esp verse 4
"...who keeps an oath even when it hurts, and does not change their mind..."

Sing, Yesterday, Today, Forever, Jesus is the Same

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Let Freedom Ring

The "sweet land of liberty" seems to be an unruly, disobedient lot, so very used to getting their own way.  What say you?

Look at them!  Just look at them!  Protesting restrictions, by NOT social distancing, in the streets; by still flocking to the beach and restaurants; that, if the media broadcasts can be believed.

And COVID cases continue to rise.  Oh, really?!  Isn't that all overblown?

Again, if the news can be believed, take the state of Georgia, for instance, that was one of the first states to "open up".  In just a short period of time, their case numbers shot up forty-some percent.

"Facts, facts, facts," cites Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York state.  Now there's a man with his head on right!

Look at the facts.  Look at the statistics.

Compare this to the more 'obedient' countries of the world where, yes, they have had their relatively fair share of the virus.  Those populaces generally followed the restricted movement orders without undue complaint, although human nature being what it is, wayward and stubborn at best, those temporary restrictive movement laws were strongly enforced by the police and army.  If you went out during the allotted hours of "essential" going out, you'd better have an awfully good reason to be out and be able to prove it.

This has worked.  New cases of COVID-19, although still happening, happen less often.  The statistics, if they are not being manipulated, look not too bad.  The corona tide is being stemmed, hopefully.

So what's all this about freedom?  Freedom to be stupid?  Or, freedom to choose wisely?

This reminds me of a few Bible verses a way back in the Old Testament times when Israel was under the leadership of Moses (Deuteronomy 30:15-20 ESV).  Here he presented a choice to the multitudes of Israelites,

"See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil...therefore choose life..."

(You can flip to the Scripture and read all the in between verses...)

Why would someone have to strongly suggest for another to choose life?  Most people, I thought, were afraid of death.  Granted in this situation, there was not a plague but one could have easily descended upon them if they hadn't obeyed God's command.   In fact, it did happen to them several times over when they didn't choose wisely.

I don't want to sound too 'sergeant-major-ish" or like an authoritarian dictator, but again, look at the facts and see.  Yes, nowadays much of the information we get is contradictory and/or confusing.  Nonetheless, we can take lessons from all the countries around the world who have been affected and see what they did and didn't do and the consequences thereof.  

On top of that, we can also take lessons from history.  The same "words of wisdom" during other such tragic plagues or viruses, eg. The Spanish Flu, etc, were much the same:  "Stay at Home;" "Wash your hands;" "social distance".  Those things seem to have worked to some degree.

Wouldn't folks rather "be safe than sorry"?

I think all of this is an excellent barometer to check ourselves.  How 'obedient' are we?  How submissive is our heart?  (NOTE:  'submissive' NOT 'subservient')  What is your 'submissive quotient' (SQ)?  Are your SQ and IQ inter-related?  Well, that's a subject for some other time.

The apostle Paul wrote, 

"...all things are lawful/permissible but all things are not helpful/expedient/beneficial" (1 Corinthians 10:23; 6:12) [depending on which version you use].

First Corinthians 10:23 extends to verse 24 which says,

"Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor" (ESV).

We bump into the freedom of choice idea here but does a person need to push their own agenda to the detriment of others?  As followers of Jesus Christ, we do have freedom of choice but we must lather that with God's wisdom, and our obedience to Him and so choose wisely.  This also not to mention, we are supposed to also obey the authorities of the land even in the restrictions for the good and benefit of all citizens whether they go along with our way of thinking or not.  

You can see that Governor Andrew Cuomo is really pulling out most of the stops, explaining things rather well to the New Yorkers; looking at the facts.  They are generally following the protocol too and slowly but surely, even at a snail's pace, they are seeing some positive results.  Ooops, I suppose I shouldn't use the word "positive" when speaking in virus terms.  However, results are looking up and paying off due to a more 'obedient' state populace and from someone who takes sensible, logical action.

Meanwhile, others elsewhere are 'throwing tantrums' in the streets and supermarkets and shops because they are barred entry due to having no mask, for example; choosing death instead of life.  One person even caustically stated something like "...forget about life after death, what about life after birth"?  

People who are not used to having their so-called "rights" incurred upon don't react so well.  Now they are getting a taste of how many others in other parts of the world live, with very few rights granted.  Perhaps they should be sent there to have that defining experience and see if they are so terribly bad off at present after all.

How about those who defy the "keep your businesses closed" order, instead of being jailed, be asked to do community service in the COVID wards.  How about that?!  Wouldn't that be poetical justice?

Enough of that sauce.

Let's swing the subject around to an even more vital choice.  The one that is set before us, to choose between everlasting life in Heaven in our after-earth life (speaking of life after death), or. an everlasting 'living' death in Hell.  To accept or reject salvation through Jesus Christ, that is the question, and that is the ultimate life's decision.

Choose everlasting life.

There'd be plenty of "life after new birth" life then.

Let the freedom of having sins forgiven, that "redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ" (Ephesians 1:6 ESV); of having been adopted by God, of knowing God's will and purpose, of obtaining our inheritance in Him; a gaining the Spirit of wisdom; access to God's immeasurable greatness and power and much, much more, ring in your heart and life (Ephesians 1).

Choose this freedom with an obedient, submission to God our Maker, heart and mind.  Truly then you will be headed to the for real 'sweet land of liberty"--to be with Christ, in Heavenly places--no matter what 'vehicle' takes you, be it COVID-19, any plethora of ailments or accidents, or the blessed Rapture.

May the grace of God be with Your submissive hearts 'til we meet again.

                                                       ~ERC  May 2020~

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Prayer - Lord Build the House

Father, I know that whatever we do, whatever we try to do, we need to do it with Your help and strength because unless You are on board with us, or rather, we are on board, with You, the house will not get built and all our work will be in vain.  Why?  It's because we would be doing it in our own strength.

People who are watching out for us; the watchmen, those who pray for us will also be praying in vain; so to speak.  Father, we do not want that, prayers, that are in vain nor work that we think we're doing for You, to be in vain.  Lord help us to remember to go in Your strength, Your help.  Lead, guide and direct us as we seek Your grace to do what is right in Your eyes.

Lord, even those who go out to work, the breadwinners of families or of themselves, as they are at the job, engaging in their career, that they would do so for Your glory and honor.  May they not become workaholics, by the way they work.  May their attitudes, character and integrity on the job be in and of itself , a witness for You.

May these, Your children, have spent time with You, showing they are truly Your followers, and of Jesus Christ.  In consequence, as they work, their work will not be in vain.

May they not be toiling only for the sake of the money, yes, money is important, but working not from the impetus of greed, or promotion, but Father to be working for Your glory and honor.  They'll be working even among their colleagues or their staff.  They'll be working to gain treasure for You.

In so doing, Lord, You give Your people sleep.  You grant them sleep to those You love.  So Father, may we be aware that we do not become so engrossed in an all time-consuming manner, getting up so early and toiling into the night, so late that we neglect our sleep.  When we neglect our sleep we can become sick, have attitudes and reactions that do NOT glorify You.  Impatience.  Anger.  Words that are not guarded, especially after having asked You to set a watch over our lips and mouths.  How then, when we are tired, exhausted from our labor, how then can we partner with You to guard our lips and mouths?

You grant us sleep.  May we claim that grant and get the benefit of it, and sleep.

Father, we thank You for our children.  You say,

"...sons are a heritage from you, children are a reward."

Quite often we may believe that children are not the reward we had wanted.  Yet, You have given many of us children.  Help us to see that it is in love, You have given us our children.  Especially when they reach the terrible two's or the tempestuous teenage years.  Human nature is the same wherever we go and in every person that needs to be tamed by You.  Lord, help us to see our children as precious cuz they are so in Your sight.

We too, are Your children.  You are gracious and merciful to us.  Help us, in turn to be gracious and merciful to our sons and daughters.  

Lord, as we ourselves have spiritual children, rewards, and inheritance also for You.  As we gain this treasure for You in Heaven, You give us these rewards.  How gracious of You.  What a loving, caring, encouraging, and compassionate God You are!   Thank-you!

May we too watch out for our spiritual children as we do for our biological ones.  As we train our children to be like Your own, in the hands of a "warrior," may their aim be true.

Yes, as parents we often fail.  We get it wrong, because when the baby is born, there is no instruction manual included; expect for Your Holy Bible, if we would only turn to Your words, we could find wisdom.  If we don't then we can ask for it.  you will give it.  

Help us to train our children in the mighty ways of God.  in Your ways, Father and may they be strong and true for You.  When we release these "arrows" into the world, may they, in turn, make their arrows be true for You.

You say,

"Blessed is the one who has their quiver full."

Heavenly Father in this past couple of generations people have not wanted to have many children.  They see them as a burden, such a responsibility:  financial, physical, emotionally, etc.  Yet, Lord, change that mindset.  Yes, money's important.  We must look after our children well.  However Lord, You said You would supply our needs.  Supply them.  Prove Yourself to the faint of heart but stretch our faith too.

When we see that many of Your children have many of their own biological children, foster children and/or have even adopted some; their quivers are very full Lord.  There are stories of 10, 20, even 40 children!  This is a huge blessing and reward and inheritance!

Society balks at this and gets very suspicious as to what the couple is doing with so many children?!  What are they trying to do?!

Nevertheless, Lord, may Your people who have so many children, who indeed have quivers filled with little ones, may they ever rely on you in faith, in hope and with Your great depths and heights of wisdom, to bring up these children in Your wisdom and admonition.

Shine the love of Jesus upon these young ones, so they "in turn, will be able to show that same love of God to others, especially as they grow up and have families and lives of their own.

Bless parents, Father, bless them.  It's not an easy task!  It's not easy to raise a child, and its certainly NOT a job for sissies.  This is not just about the financial side of it.  It includes the emotional toll, the spiritual and mental sides.  When the children are young it's a lot of physical work; physically exhausting.  Then as they shoot up in age, older and more able to reason, embarking into the teenage years, its quite the mental exercise of calisthenics, keeping abreast of our offspring and the age they live in.

We know You had a time of it with the children of Israel and can understand all our emotions that often fluctuate between frustration, anger and then the times that bring hope and joy.  Father, we can only turn to You for wisdom and strength for our fixed hope is in You.  Let us not be put to shame, let not parents nor their children be put to shame especially when they go up against the enemy Satan and his minions.

Satan messed up Adam and Eve but You have used Your redeeming grace to rectify that havoc wrought by him.  Yet, he still persists and loves to rip families apart; family that is the nucleus of society, that family unit, that Satan tries his best to destroy.  However, Father, You set people in families (Psalm 68:6).  

You set Adam and Eve, in a family of their own and asked them to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28).  Similarly, may there be many more "Adam's and Eve's" coming together and obeying just such  a commandment.  Take away their fears, focus their hearts and minds upon You.  May they lean upon You and Your resources.

Add wisdom to bring their children up to fear You; the One True God and Your Son Jesus Christ.  May they come to salvation through Jesus Christ.  Continue to build Your House, Father God.

"May our sons in their youth be like plants full grown, our daughters like corner pillars cut for the structure of a palace..." (Psalm 144:12 ESV).

I ask all this in the name of Jesus and by the power of His blood.

                                                           ~ERC  May 2020~
                                                 Originally prayed 24 April 2020

Prayer based on Psalm 127 and 144:12