Sunday, November 20, 2022

Proof of Love


Parents teach their children to share their toys with their siblings, cousins, and other children.  It is not easy to learn these things since human beings are often all about "self-interest".  Adults are often hard-pressed in sharing too.

So when we see Paul pressing the "giving message" home to his Corinthian "children," his strong and ingeniously articulated arguments are graciously spelled out to best possible generosity in giving and sharing in order to supply the lack for other "family members" in need.  His greatest argument is that example of Jesus Christ who gave Himself for us.

"Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift" (2 Corinthians 9:15 NIV)!

Proof of God's love!

Proof of our love, care and looking out for the interests of others, is our golden scepter for sharing what we have, according to what we have and according to what we have generously decided in our hearts to give, and to do so cheerfully.

Paul futher spurred the Corinthians on by mentioning the Macedonians again.  They were poor yet eager to give of their little.  Praise and thanks to God ensued, which is another of Paul's 'pro's' for willing giving.

God is our Supplier and He can keep on supplying as our hearts open up and overflow with generosity, so that downstream there is

 "overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God" (2 Corinthians 9:12).

This type of giving Paul terms, "surpassing grace".  Our abundance is given by God and therefore divine giving.  From God, to you, to those in need, to offering praise to God; God supplying some more and so the cycle of sharing and giving perpetuates.  

Let's abundantly prove our love that stems and originates from God's, again and again.

                                                   ~ERC  November 2022~

Based on 2 Corinthians 9 (NIV).

Sing, Thanks to God, along with Canaan Optical and Offering Song, by The Lads, Big, Big Worship.

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