Monday, November 7, 2022

Book Review - Dark Fall - By Jeffrey Wilson & Brian Andrews - Publication Date: 8 November 2022


When I read this story, I had to keep reminding myself that this is FICTION - a very thrilling thriller of a one, no doubt about it, and there were, no holds barred.  Yet, one would not wish a believer in Jesus Christ to be confused about spiritual warfare.  We do not come against flesh and blood...Christian living is a supernatural battle.  So I take Dark Fall to be more of an allegory, although one will read some parts as if one has just listened to the news.

There are Dark Ones in this tale, which are people possessed by demons and these people are using actual weaponry that can be seen, touched, and fired, used to defeat and kill those who stand in their way, especially against those who love, fear, and have faith in God and Jesus.   These believers fight back.  On top of this, the Dark Ones have their own agenda and use a newly acquired weapon of incineration, aimed at creating terror and chaos.

When one keeps Scripture in mind about spiritual warfare, one can then relax, ummm, well, no, be terrified right along with the good guys like the Shepherds and Watchers, as things heat up and pan out.  I found the storyline gives an excellent idea of what Christians are up against in fighting against the evil principalities and powers of the air; thus my idea and of mention of 'allegory'.  Should you choose to read this gripping, action-packed novel, gird your loins and hope you have an "easy day". 

Additionally, it is good to note that the authors, Jeffrey Wilson and Brian Andrews, create strong characters based on their own active duty training and experiences.  In fact, they write in support and honor of comrades-in-arms, in association with their faith in Christ.  I salute them! 

They have written multiple books together and if this one is any indication of the others, I believe any potential readers will NOT be disappointed with any of them, including this one.  There are rather a number of acronyms scattered throughout the book so it is helpful to have a glossary in the addenda.

                                             ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                          August 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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