Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Canvas of Spring

 They wanted to know, that is, for me to explain my most favorite piece of art.  The choice is actually difficult because I have several "favorites" but I'll hone in on one that was a gift from a child who had some neurodiverse difficulties.

This child certainly knew where some of her abilities counted, in her paintings.  Her artwork was truely a piece of herself then, in the giving, which touched my heart like almost nothing else.

It was a Canvas of Spring - at least that's what I'll call it.  The colors chosen were among my favorites, just a shade or two brighter than pastels but not by much.  The result - a flower bower kaleidoschope of glory on a backdrop of azure sky.  The sun shone warmly too, smiling its benevolence upon the scene.  One can almost see and feel the gentle breezes drift lazily along, energizing the flowers to nod thanks to the passing waker, allowing them to give obeyance to their Creator.

This whole rectangle of art is like a loving, comforting embrace, wrapping around me each time I view it.  It makes me smile.  It adorns my bedroom wall like a beacon of gratitude, acceptance and encouragement, that yes, I too, matter.  I too count, and so do my abilities!  

So do you and yours!

                                                      ~ERC  November 2022~

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