Yesterday (30 October 2022), we had "Suffering Church Sunday" at our assembly. We often connect with Barnabas Fund/Aid to help persecuted brothers and sisters-in-Christ who are more often than not, marginalized when their governments are giving aid to flood, earthquake, pandemic, famine and so on, victims. Our brothers and sisters are missed out in the assistance offered otherwise.
This year, our church leadership has designated our giving to be for food in certain countries where the food crises is, and has been, advanced for several years and is only getting worse. What do you know, but coincidentally the first thing I read from 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 this morning was about Paul instructing the Corinthians in their giving using the Macedonian churches, who were...
" the midst of a very severe trial...and their extreme poverty" (2 Corinthians 8:2),
as an example of wholehearted, genuine giving.
Of course, Paul says there needs to be "eager williness" to be giving cuz then,
"the gift is acceptable " (vs 11).
I always like how verse 12 ends, that the giving is,
"...according to what one has, not according to what one does not have".
It seems the Corinthian believers were rather better off than the Macedonians so there could also be little excuse for them to not give. Yet, not everyone even in a wealthier region, has a lot. Still, much or little, one can give "according to what one has".
Old Testament times asked for a tithe of 10% of "earnings". It's a good baseline even in New Testament times now. However, sticking to and restricting oneself to that rule of thumb may not be a sincere sacrifice from the heart. We can examine ourselves and see what "the according" is for ourself. Check ones' motivation as well.
Give so that we are supplying the needs of those who lack. Galations 6:10 is my and my husband's 'go to' verse in this regard,
"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially those who belong to the family of believers".
As mentioned earlier, governments who hate, harass and persecute believers for their faith in Jesus Christ, are not necessarily going to help them with food, medical and more, aid. That's where those who belong to the family of God employ the grace of giving to help other family-of-God members.
It's up to us, brothers and sisters-in-Christ. What and how much can you do according to what you have?
Do it, cheerfully.
~ERC October 2022
Based on 2 Corinthians 8:1-12 NIV.
Sing, I Will Never Let Go of My Jesus, along with Matt Redman.
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