Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Book Review - Our Man In Kuwait - By Louise Burfitt Dons - Publication Date: 20 November 2022


There are enough spies and double agents in Our Man In Kuwait to keep you guessing as to who is and who isn't, one.  Above all, who is the elusive Agent Alex?  Gordon is right there in the middle of it, guessing too.  

Then there was a murder and the Expat and Kuwaiti royals' scene were all abuzz to figure out who the murderer was, as tensions rose over a very possible Iraqi invasion.  Pinpointing the subversive elements as to who were the culprits secretly active undermining and attempting to bring the elite house down, was also imperative.

I enjoyed the pace of the unfolding action in this historical fiction, mystery thriller.  It was that too, thrilling.  I believe many readers will be well satisfied and will mull the heart-pounding drama over for days afterwards.  Don't let the poisonous snakes or scorpion get you.  Shivers!

The addenda includes a mini-history of the true events upon which this book is based.  The author having spent time in Kuwait as an expat child, adds great unction to the tale.

                                           ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                          October 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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