Saturday, November 19, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Worthy Worship

 Father God
, You alone are worthy of all our praise and worship.  That is, our worthy praise, meaning that which flows from hearts that are right with You, that are filled with genuine love and gratitude.  Let it not be just lip-service, for show, but rather, worship with right hearts and right lips.  This, is worthy praise and worship to You, Father, Who is worthy of all we can give.

As Your children, it is our duty and priviledge to worship You our Creator and Sustainer, as we think of all Your attributes of perfection, love, holiness, goodness, omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence and so much more.  You are great and bigger than all of Your creation combined.  Yet, you deemed it a worthy cause to send Jesus to die for all our transgressions and iniquities - our sins (Isaiah 53:5).  You had the determination to redeem us, to make atonement for our souls, which we had sold out to Satan.

Jesus, our blessed Redeemer, motivated by love and compassion for fallen mankind, provided salvation and that way of escape from the punishment of our sins, which would have been an eternal living death in Hell.  Oh, Father God, we indeed lift up our hearts in sincerity and truth, being as right as we can this side of Heaven, to offer up our thanksgiving, coated and marinated in gratitude-filled and humbled hearts that want, in all obedience and submission to You, to give You worthy worship.

This Lord's Day we give You thanks through the remembrance of Jesus' sacrificial death, and praise You, for His resurrection.  As we partake of the broken bread and sip from that cup of wine, emblems of this act of love for Your created but fallen human beings, we give You our worship, praise and thanksgiving from right and pure hearts and lips.  May both of these forever, starting today, give You the honor, glory and worthy worship that is due His Name.

In Jesus our Savior's most precious Name, we offer up our praise to You, the One Who is worthy to receive it.  

Thank-You Father.

Thank-You, Jesus.

                                                   ~ERC  November 2022~

Based on Matthew 15:8-9 NIV.

Sing, My Lips Shall Praise You, along with Divine and Here's My Heart, along with Casting Crowns (There're no lyrics to this second video.  May I suggest you just close your eyes and prayerfully listen).

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