Monday, November 7, 2022

Book Review - The Hidden Prince - By Tessa Afshar - Publication Date: 8 November 2022


I certainly deem this a wonderfully, gratifying read of historical fiction, which belongs squarely in the "Best Biblical Fiction Book" category.  I really love how Tessa Afshar weaves in events of prophecy like  intricate golden threads of mastercraft narrative writing.  Afshar gleans her biblical input mostly from the book of Jeremiah and the reader gets to meet such people as the great and famous Daniel, kings and queens of his time, and of course, princes.  

The challenges the protaganist Keren tackles are amazing and unusual feats for her time, well, especially since she is female doing "male only" job description work.  Meeting Jared, Artadates and other characters was a lot of fun.  The author creates euphonies of emotions ranging from tears, endearing relationship buzzes, anger, frustrations, belly-aching laugher and more.  I love the humor! There was never a dull moment from start to finish, with suspenseful build up and unexpected twists and turns.  This author unquestionably deserves a full 5 star rating.  I definitely look forward to any books she may hatch into being, in time to come.  Meantime, I will savor  this one.

                                      ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                      July 2022

Disclaimer;  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary copy sent by NetGalley and the Tyndale House Publishers.

Read review on Goodreads.

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