Sunday, May 2, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - None Like You

 There is none like You, O LORD.  We lift up our hearts and souls to You, and You incline Your ears towards us.  You are good and forgiving.  Your steadfast love envelopes us who call upon Your Name through Jesus; this love which abounds.

We need your grace, always; in our days of trouble, in our days that seem to move along smoothly.  May Your grace abound towards us, in us and through us to others.  Hear us when we call.

Oh Father God, there is none like You.  None can top or topple You.  There are many "gods" out there but it is to You, Your children come to worship, to adore and give our confessions, and thanksgiving.

We shall, with the help of Your Holy Spirit, glorify Your name for You are great, Your Name is great and You do many wondrous things because You alone, are God.

We want to follow Your ways.  Teach us Your ways.  Then we can walk in them.  Unite our divided hearts that want to scatter in many multiple ways of our own, give us whole hearts to fear Your Name to give thanks only to Your Name and to glorify only Your Name.  We look forward to that day when we can do this forever in unadulterated manner.

You are "merciful," "gracious," "slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness".  This we cannot live without.  Coupled with these, our fear of You, the One true God, and the help of Your Holy Spirit we can be doers as well as hearers of Your word.

David the psalmist of Psalm 86, must have really imbibed and appreciated the High Priest's nightly benediction over the children of Israel.  The practice instituted by You through Moses to Aaron his brother and which we read about in Numbers 6:22-27.  That benediction which put Your Name upon them and blessed them.

Jesus our High Priest did that for us through His work of salvation on our behalf.  His Name, stamped upon us, forever more, and garanteed and sealed by Your Holy Spirit.  David appreciated it and he took those words of benediction of his time and place and prayed too,

"Turn to me" (Psalm 86:16 ESV) OR "Turn Your face toward [me]" (Numbers 6:25 NIV)


" gracious to me" (Psalm 86:16 ESV & Numbers 6:25 NIV).

He had nothing to hide.  He sought Your face, Your graciousness; Your Name.

May we now, through Jesus, seek You too in all open honesty.  We seek Your favor upon us, as a testimony to those who would harm us, as did David.  Do not put Your people to shame despite them often doing such a 'good job' of it themselves.  Lift us up because Your Name is upon us.  In this You will help us and comfot us.

David sought Your blessing upon his life but he also walked worthy of You most of his life.  Many of us wish to have Your blessing and favor but neglect "walking the talk," neglect being "doers as well as hearers".  May we be encouraged to walk worthy of the calling You have put upon us in the Name and power of Jesus Christ and Your Holy Spirit who indwells each one of Your children.

We partake of the broken bread and drink from the cup of wine on this Lord's Day, in remembrance of all Jesus has done for us through His death and resurrection.  Thank-You, Abba Father, in Jesus' Name we praise and pray, for there is no one else like You!

                                                         ~ERC  March 2021~

Based on Psalm 86:1-17 ESV

Sing There is None Like You, Lenny LeBlanc, sung by Hillsong folks

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